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  • Within the first hour of Trump's inauguration, the "Climate Change" section of the White House website has been removed.
    Come join Qarir!
    We have camels and sabers and turbans and this black slippery liquid no one knows what to do with.
    Join now before the Undying Sun wipes us off the face of the Earth! ;P
    Here's something entirely inappropriate and simultaneously entirely hilarious.

    No elderly women were harmed in the making of this video!
    Apparently Enjin is not a big fan of French comedians.
    Seeing as I'm not going to be on Enjin or MC until around New Year's, I'll just go ahead and wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    I hope you all get coal.
    hope you will get burning coal
    While I will not submit to the petty act of hashtagging, I will say that I really am not liking the wool-head thing. This is EW, not ToW. Colored nametags are good enough and player heads add authenticity. I also kinda miss the old texture pack :(. EW is just not EW without troll-head dispensers and stone-axe-textured wooden axes.
    wow wow wow, Conwy didn't have cheap maps and not only blue and red teams... DO NOT INSULT CONWY
    Regent of Carthage
    Regent of Carthage
    You do realize that the server has only been open for like like a week or so? It's a WIP, Tim can't do everything instantly.
    This makes my cry.
    The Mithridian Pact
    (Second draft)

    The nations known as the Western Confederacy, Dale, Nova Carthago, and the Franco-Anglican Commonwealth shall henceforth be regarded as a single entity: the great nation of Mithridias

    Government: Mithridias will operate under a system of checks and balances. There are three major councils: Parliament, the Ministry, and the Great Council. Parliament is responsible for the enforcement of laws and maintenance of the nation, from signing peace treaties to filling out requests for housing. Parliament is composed of twelve Magistrates who each hold command over ten Constables who themselves oversee the enforcement of law in the nation. Parliament is headed by three Custodians who make all of the major decisions. The Custodians are elected to three-year terms by the remainder of Parliament. The Ministry is responsible for the making of new laws. They make treaties, edit, ramify, and amend old laws, and are generally responsible for the modernization of the law. It is made up of thirteen Ministers who elect a Prime Minister every three years. The Great Council is made up of fifteen members of nobility. This is the meeting place for all of the Lords, Earls, Dukes, Marquises, and Barons in the nation. Every ten years, an election is held and three Premiers are elected. Each of these premiers make all of the major decisions- war declarations, major troop movements, royal decrees, and so on. All three governmental bodies have power over the military, which is organized thus:
    Commander-in-Chief, General, Major, Commander, Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant Major, Sergeant, Corporal, Private, Recruit

    Bill of Rights:
    1. Freedom of word, be it spoken, written, or otherwise communicated. This does not encompass classified information but it does protect slander and libel regardless of how much it offends someone
    2. Citizens will be granted the privilege of bearing weapons as long as they are used in a manner which does not directly endanger others. Attached to this freedom is the right to self-defense
    3. The right to life
    4. Right to fair trial. No person shall be detained after arrest for over one week without receiving a proper trial with the minimum of a Constable present
    5. Freedom of thought

    Rights of the Provinces:
    Each province of Mithridias is allowed to remain autonomous to the extent that it can carry on with operations that do not negatively impact any other provinces and/or the nation as a whole. For example, provinces are allowed to support other nations as long as it is understood that that nation does not hold the support of all of Mithridias without the Great Council's approval. Provinces cannot declare war but are responsible for their own militaries. NOTICE: All rights are forfeit pertaining to any decisions made by the Great Council. If they say, "Jump," all you need to ask is "How high?".
    Seceding from Mithridias: Secession is only allowed with the understanding that all assets provided by Mithridias will be withdrawn immediately. The province must also have a legitimate reason.
    Things that constitute a legitimate reason:
    1. Mistreatment of the province as a whole (the leader cannot force the province to secede based solely on the fact that the leader is personally being inconvenienced)
    2. The citizens of the province have held a vote that has come out in favor of secession.
    3. You really want to. In the case of this reason, in addition to all Mithridian assets being withdrawn, twenty-five percent of all regular assets are also forfeited. The leader of the nation can decide what twenty-five percent to give up. This can include land, troops, money, material assets like food or lumber, weapons, technology, etc.

    Amending and/or editing the Mithridian Pact:
    This responsibility falls to the Ministry or, in some cases, the Great Council. As is stated before, the government of Mithridias is composed of three governmental branches: Parliament, which is responsible for enforcement of laws and maintenance of the country; the Ministry, which is responsible for the amending of old laws and the creation of new ones; and the Great Council, which makes all of the major decisions (war declarations, royal decrees, alliances, etc.). The Ministry can amend and create minor laws without permission of the Great Council, but when major laws which will affect the larger part of the population are suggested, it is submitted to the Council for a vote. The Bill of Rights is unalienable. Nothing can be taken away from it, only added to it no matter the decision of the Ministry or Council.

    ((Suggest amendments below!))

    Our colors are Blue, white, and gold and our symbol is the lion. Our crest is below.
    great :slight_smile:
    One tried but wasn't allowed
    death, I'm pretty sure Red is independent af. And I see no other kingdoms willing to join, and Mexican confederacy is a new world (and inactive) country. Not sure if they accepted that.
    Christmas time is here, by golly,
    Disapproval would be folly,
    Deck the halls with hunks of holly,
    Fill the cup and don't say "when."
    Kill the turkeys, ducks and chickens,
    Mix the punch, drag out the dickens,
    Even though the prospect sickens,
    Brother, here we go again.

    On christmas day you can't get sore,
    Your fellow man you must adore,
    There's time to rob him all the more
    The other three hundred and sixty-four.

    Relations, sparing no expense'll
    Send some useless old utensil,
    Or a matching pen and pencil.
    "just the thing I need! how nice!"
    It doesn't matter how sincere it
    Is, nor how heartfelt the spirit,
    Sentiment will not endear it,
    What's important is the price.

    Hark the herald tribune sings,
    Advertising wondrous things.
    God rest ye merry, merchants,
    May you make the yuletide pay.
    Angels we have heard on high
    Tell us to go out and buy!

    So let the raucous sleigh bells jingle,
    Hail our dear old friend Kris Kringle,
    Driving his reindeer across the sky.
    Don't stand underneath when they fly by.
    If I ever get into sports (which is highly unlikely), I'll probably end up playing Brockian Ultra Cricket.

    While a complete list of rules has only ever been assembled once (and the book containing the assembled rules promptly collapsed into a black hole,) some of the rules are as follows:

    Rule One: Grow at least three extra legs. You won’t need them, but it keeps the crowds amused.
    Rule Two: Find one extremely good Brockian Ultra Cricket player. Clone him off a few times. This saves an enormous amount of tedious selection and training.
    Rule Three: Put your team and the opposing team in a large field and build a high wall around them. The reason for this is that, though the game is a major spectator sport, the frustration experienced by the audience at not actually being able to see what’s going on leads them to imagine that it’s a lot more exciting than it really is. A crowd that has just watched a rather humdrum game experiences far less life affirmation than a crowd that believes it has just missed the most dramatic event in sporting history.
    Rule Four: Throw lots of assorted items of sporting equipment over the wall for the players. Anything will do – cricket bats, basecube bats, tennis guns, skis, anything you can get a good swing with.
    Rule Five: The players should now lay about themselves for all they are worth with whatever they find to hand. Whenever a player scores a “hit” on another player, he should immediately run away as fast as he can and apologize from a safe distance. Apologies should be concise, sincere, and, for maximum clarity and points, delivered through a megaphone.
    Rule Six: The winning team shall be the first team that wins.

    Care to join me?
    its from (idk if i translate it right) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. Perhaps the most remarkable, certainly the most successful book ever to come out of the great publishing corporations of Ursa Minor - of which no Earthman has ever heard of. More popular than The Celestial Home Care Omnibus, better selling than Fifty-three More Things to do in Zero Gravity, and more controversial than Oolon Colluphid's trilogy of philosophical blockbusters Where God Went Wrong, Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes and Who is this God Person Anyway? It's already supplanted the Encyclopedia Galactica as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for two important reasons. First, it's slightly cheaper; and secondly it has the words DON'T PANIC printed in large friendly letters on its cover.
    Apparently there's a new thing going around involving creating posts acknowledging Tim's latest four-word post: "Hello Boys I'm Back".
    Well, here's mine. Tim's back! Yay!
    Well, the Traveler died. Just bein' shifty like a Traveler do and then some Guards come up and start askin' questions. Then I'm arrested, taken to jail, and, in short order, killed, looted, stripped, and dragged to the cemetery. They didn't even tell me why they arrested me.
    Such is life I suppose.
    Now I'm off to make an even MORE shifty and MORE edgy character!
    The Mithridian Pact
    (Rough draft)

    The nations known as the Western Confederacy, Dale, and the Franco-Anglican Commonwealth shall henceforth be regarded as a single entity: the great nation of Mithridias

    Government: Mithridias will operate under a system of checks and balances. There are three major councils: Parliament, the Ministry, and the Great Council. Parliament is responsible for the enforcement of laws and maintenance of the nation, from signing peace treaties to filling out requests for housing. Parliament is composed of twelve Magistrates who each hold command over ten Constables who themselves oversee the enforcement of law in the nation. Parliament is headed by three Custodians who make all of the major decisions. The Custodians are elected to three-year terms by the remainder of Parliament. The Ministry is responsible for the making of new laws. They make treaties, edit, ramify, and amend old laws, and are generally responsible for the modernization of the law. It is made up of thirteen Ministers who elect a Prime Minister every three years. The Great Council is made up of fifteen members of nobility. This is the meeting place for all of the Lords, Earls, Dukes, Marquises, and Barons in the nation. Every ten years, an election is held and three Premiers are elected. Each of these premiers rule over a province of the nation (of which there are three) and make all of the major decisions- war declarations, major troop movements, royal decrees, and so on. All three governmental bodies have power over the military, which is organized thus:
    Commander-in-Chief, General, Major, Commander, Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant Major, Sergeant, Corporal, Private, Recruit

    Bill of Rights:
    1. Freedom of word, be it spoken, written, or otherwise communicated. This does not encompass classified information but it does protect slander and libel regardless of how much it offends someone
    2. Citizens will be granted the privilege of bearing weapons as long as they are used in a manner which does not directly endanger others. Attached to this freedom is the right to self-defense
    3. The right to life
    4. Right to fair trial. No person shall be detained after arrest for over one week without receiving a proper trial with the minimum of a Constable present
    5. Freedom of thought

    Our colors are Blue, white, and gold and our symbol is the lion. Our crest is below.
    Whenever you guys start playing Alaurin Roleplay, feel free to break me out of prison... I may have accidentally severely assaulted their Commander of the Guard...
    so yeah...
    Help! D:
    Well, I was in a mock duel with him, trying to show him my sword skills so that he'd let me be a guard and I kinda hit him upside the head with the pommel of my sword and he kinda fell down and started bleeding everywhere. :I
    so ill send you question later
    need me to get you out since your apart of my guild
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