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  • Is it bad that I have done literally nothing all summer?
    I mean, I've sat in my room, wrote on my books a bit, played Minecraft, farted around on Enjin, looked at memes, ate a crap ton of junk food, and not much else.
    All whilst wearing my bath robe.
    *Laziness intensifies
    Well, thats my last years summer. I got a job now and work most days. Orther than work, I hangout with my childhood best friend occasionally and play games.
    DJ Lee the Wolfman
    Get a job, lazy piece of shrakh
    Any orther things you do, orther than what you said, of course
    I get on LotC for the first time in a week or two and the first thing I see is this:
    Where are the blacks? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . Jk
    Well, folks, the deed is done. My last temporary tooth, which I have named Dave, is out of my jaw. At the age of 14 years, 11 months, 20 days, I can finally eat whatever the heck I want to eat. Jawbreakers for everyone!
    Minecraft 1.12 released, plebs, and on my last day of school, too.
    Yeah, it seems most people go on summer break earlier than me, but then most also end up going back to school earlier too.
    I still have 1 final this year, 1 week of army training and around 5 more finals next year. And that's not the end, in 2 more years I'll have 4 finals and I'll start my army service so ya...
    I have finals tomorrow yet here I am looking at internet memes. RIP me.
    LMAO I got a 95%! XD
    I got a 96% on my history test and didn't study jack shit
    I'm taking that final tomorrow. Our class studied today by playing Modern Warfare and Battlefield 1 on the teacher's projector screen. :3
    This is essentially what I want the Wolf Pack Drackeliums to look like:
    Giant wooden wall surrounding a group of tents circled around a large fire. The tents closest to the fire would be the largest and that would be where the higher-ranked members would reside. DeathValley105 Grissum1 9842Kye _zzyxzz_
    Happy Memorial Day, lads and lasses!

    Here, have some of my American spirit; I have extra and you look like you could use some.
    Thank god i have no oil and thus the American Spirit does not affect me.
    Can't fekin wait to leave y'all U.S. x.x
    Sounds like you need some freedom. "F-35 Joint Strike Fighters deploy!"
    I've got another one of those blasted Crash Course study guide things due tomorrow which is something like a hundred questions long and I haven't even started it, so expect complete AFKness for that day. Probably not Earth-shattering, me being AFK for a day, but, as per usual, I expect that something crazy is going to happen in the RP like it usually does when I leave for any amount of time over twelve hours. As a result, if anything coo-coo crazy happens and I'm not there, DMs can control stuff in my nation with my permission.

    Actually, from here on out, if something coo-coo crazy happens and I'm more than 24-hours AFK, then DMs can take control of my nation in any and all RPs present or future. That is all.
    Just passed my Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 Certifications test with a score of 953! :3
    I am now certified for both Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 and Microsoft Word 2013.
    If you ever feel useless ^
    ...then think about Gundabad1
    You are Agnostic, right?
    The triquetra is symbolic of the Holy Trinity in that it represents three distinct parts looped together as a single endless shape. Yes, craft, I'm well aware of the fact. :P
    Mkay :3 I was just confused because you told me you were Agnostic and I was unaware if you were aware of what it meant or if you just thought it looked cool or both :stuck_out_tongue:
    It just looks cool :D. Also, it's the symbol I use to represent the book I'm writing, so it seemed fairly appropriate as a profile picture.
    Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, I was going to tell you guys this at the end of Season II of craft's RP but I kinda forgot :/. Well, better late than never I guess. kek. Some of you might have noticed this already, but, if not, then, just for a moment, think about the word "Qarir". Okay, there's a "q", an "a", an "i", and two "r"s, so what? Well, if you think about it some more and start scrambling things up a bit, you'll discover that "Qarir" is really just the word "Iraq" spelled backwards with an "r" placed at the end of it for some semblance of something that would be legitimate. So, there you have it. For months, the name of my nation was really just a scramble of the letters of one of its territories. And yet, somehow, it created one of the most original-sounding names I've ever come up with, original-seeming enough to convince most of if not all RPers in craft's RP. Hail GravyFries, master of the word scrambles, and keeper of the secrets (though, as aforementioned, it's possible some of you had noticed it already but oh, well, I'm sure it tricked someone sometime during the RP)! *sits back and waits for heads to start exploding*
    (It's funny because 9842Kye was almost always the one doing the word scrambles. :3)
    Tfw boker is cowboy/morning in Hebrew
    I said Yiddish, and it was Hermit-adventurer, so maybe the Adventurer part was the only thing that translated
    It seems as though I'm going to have to do a several-hour-long project composed of thirteen Crash Course World History videos with questions, each about ten minutes long with ten questions, that is due tomorrow at 11:59 PM. I got home at about 4:00 and it is now 5:30 and I have finished about one and a half videos. RIP me.

    Best wishes, John Green...
    Who gives a damn. Go over my answers. I'm yet to not make a 100 in history.
    I've always made an A in history except for one year. The teacher graded us on how well we wrote and how well we spelled the names of cities and people from forever ago. I made a D
    Bitch, that's easy af.
    Aaaaay 1000 profile views, whaddaya know? :3
    I wonder if I should do anything special...
    that's cute
    *looks to see if he is correct, sees he is, but it's no longer an even number because everyone keeps looking st it*
    aww, that's cute *looks at almost 11k views on my own page*
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