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Complain Donators

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V1 King
So.. I'm done with the people complaining about everything. (No gonna say names)
People cry about me switching to Goblins to play Balrog. MANY People also lost the class, and we bought it, even though 100€ to help the server out a few months. People say they don´t care about the server shutting down.

ALSO I am done with people saying:
"Tim should never had buffed Troll"
"Tim should never had added Troll."

I am done with people, complaining about mainly DONATORS.

Also, today there was someone saying I got a serious problem.
Well, he doesn't know me? How could you complain about someone without knowing him?
Maybe, I am a miljonair (Just for example), and I donate thousands of EUROS to fundaments for Ebola or something?

I think, people should think before the shout out "Noob", or "Stupid Donators". When you want to say "Stupid donators", you go over the bad/good fields about donators. Stop complaining about everything and play the game.

"It's just a game, why yu heff to be mad?"

Also I asked people their opinions about donators, and there's many differences.

For example: gombar123 bought Balrog with points, and now he lost it? MANY People lost it! And a few people bought it to support the server ffs. I think it is just they can't get Balrog without donating anymore. Balrog is limited on maps..

Thanks for listening.
I don't mind donors at all, with a couple of exceptions they're usually the most interesting people xd (but am I one of the exceptions? ;p)
There´s 1 easy solution to this...
"Haters gon hate"

just dont give a shit
I'm sick of getting told that I only got my k/d because of Nazgul, I just tell the people who say that to **** off, do you get my point? :)
i disagree that donators are fine. paying to get access to a class that may or may not be better than normal classes is against the Minecraft EULA, and is not legal. however i would rather that then the server shutdown. this is just my opinion on the matter.
^^ Exactly, would like opinions instead of complains.
this statement is very hypocritical especially right after a long post complaining about something.
[quote user_id="4803008" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/adamrob2002/74.png" name="adamrob2002"]I'm sick of getting told that I only got my k/d because of Nazgul, I just tell the people who say that to **** off, do you get my point? :)[/quote]
truth hurts. you did not get your KD from awesomely playing swordsman and archer like i did. nazgul may not be responsible for all your kd. but honestly you should only be around 2.5 maybe lower if you only played default classes, not 4.x. this is just what i gathered about your pvp skills after you died as nazgul and played the fire orc dude that's torches are some how grenades. i may be completely wrong.
i disagree that donators are fine. paying to get access to a class that may or may not be better than normal classes is against the Minecraft EULA, and is not legal. however i would rather that then the server shutdown. this is just my opinion on the matter.
[quote user_id="12791548" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Ithladohr/74.png" name="Ithladohr"]^^ Exactly, would like opinions instead of complains.
this statement is very hypocritical especially right after a long post complaining about something.
[quote user_id="4803008" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/adamrob2002/74.png" name="adamrob2002"]I'm sick of getting told that I only got my k/d because of Nazgul, I just tell the people who say that to **** off, do you get my point? :)[/quote]
truth hurts. you did not get your KD from awesomely playing swordsman and archer like i did. nazgul may not be responsible for all your kd. but honestly you should only be around 2.5 maybe lower if you only played default classes, not 4.x. this is just what i gathered about your pvp skills after you died as nazgul and played the fire orc dude that's torches are some how grenades. i may be completely wrong.[/quote]
Um when I was lord, back in the day my kd was 7.2. It dropped to 5.8 whilst I was getting the points for nazgul. Nazgul didn't increase my kd, after I got nazgul it gradually went down, so you're completely wrong.
Um when I was lord, back in the day my kd was 7.2. It dropped to 5.8 whilst I was getting the points for nazgul. Nazgul didn't increase my kd, after I got nazgul it gradually went down, so you're completely wrong.
i guess i was unaware how long you have been around. but yea armored troll would explain why your kd is that high. they were both op classes. not anymore though lol.
You think you guys get it bad.... The amount of spam I get because of it is one of the reasons I no longer play mc.
I was told that I sucked at pvp because I played the Gundabad class. So I switched to the regular orc and killed two guys at once by myself (including the spoilsport).
I personally think that some of the donor classes, such as nazgul, should be rebalanced because at times it may make it impossible for the opposing team to play. However, this does not mean that the people playing them do not deserve respect as a fellow member of the community, neither does a donor class make you invincible. With good tactics and skill even nazgul can be killed.

Neither does a non-donor class make you weak. I am by far not the best PvPer in the server, but in a recent game I got only 1 less kill than a nazgul over 30 min. Sometimes bravery can more than make up for the perceived weaknesses of a class.

An interesting thing to note is that I have a kd less than 1 and I am proud of it. The reason why my KD is so low compared to other 'vets' is because of the old morgul maps, back when there was still unite, back when ARMOURED TROLLS can spawn in the towers of old morgul, back when an entire army of heavy armour can suddenly spawn on top of your head. I was very often one of the first guys to charge into battle, and I enjoyed the experience although I died a lot and also the respect that I earned from other teammates and perhaps even the enemy. If you think donors today are overpowered, think again.
Sometimes bravery can more than make up for the perceived weaknesses of a class.
and sometimes it just gets you killed over... and over..... and over................\
let me tell you a story. anybody remember heeting? well he was an armored troll at gate 3 on tirith and i was a spear man. i ran up the little bridge over shot one spear at him hit him twice and he killed me. (dealt 9.5 hearts a hit so almost insta kill to a spear man) then i did it again, about 4 times then he finnaly died i and stopped him but i died 4 times doing it. so no.
[quote user_id="5455627" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/michaelrotov1234/74.png" name="michaelrotov1234"]Sometimes bravery can more than make up for the perceived weaknesses of a class.
and sometimes it just gets you killed over... and over..... and over................[/quote]

Depends on context. Charging 10 trolls as constructor is suicide. Charging a group of archers, constantly zigzagging to avoid fire and keep charging (to minimise time they can shoot you), and finding ways to pick off any melee one by one is not.

In the Tirith game where I got nearly same killcount as naz, I charged using method described above. The archers kept shooting but at some point they broke when they saw that their arrows had essentially no effect. When I was on top of them, I landed around 3-4 hits by the time they could draw their bows. The number of enemies and close range meant that every hit landed and essentially I killed the entire force before they could bowspam me at point blank range.

Sure, a while ago I did get killed over and over, but I now know why and try to avoid it.
The only time I rage at donors is when a nazgul begins targeting me. That is really the only instance I get mad at donors, and even then its not because they are donors, its just because they kept picking me up and killing them, but since that got nerfed I actually feel bad for them. 75 euros to a server only to get one of the more fun classes (I'm just guessing its fun never actually played it) nerfed. I'm probably one of the few non-donors who has supported the increase of donor perks and class bonuses. Truthfully most the donors make this server fun because 1)They have been playing for a while and are good players 2)They know the server and can help out new players 3)Its always fun to have a donor class backing you up when you charge into a group of filthy orcs.
The only time I rage at donors is when a nazgul begins targeting me. That is really the only instance I get mad at donors, and even then its not because they are donors, its just because they kept picking me up and killing them, but since that got nerfed I actually feel bad for them. 75 euros to a server only to get one of the more fun classes (I'm just guessing its fun never actually played it) nerfed. I'm probably one of the few non-donors who has supported the increase of donor perks and class bonuses. Truthfully most the donors make this server fun because 1)They have been playing for a while and are good players 2)They know the server and can help out new players 3)Its always fun to have a donor class backing you up when you charge into a group of filthy orcs.

When was nazgul nerfed? Do you mean the nerf when the server went EULA, or do you mean it was nerfed recently?
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