"You killed civilians" - Yes, I killed anyone I saw.
"... less skilled than you..." - Covers everyone.
"... run away when someone stronger comes along..." - Most times I ran, I had already an inventory full of loot, and there were usually three players chasing me.
"... no purpose whatsoever..." - I got food and gear. That's all the purpose I need.
"...'wait till everyone's offline'" - Please, all I had to do was appear and everyone combatlogged.
"Killing 10 people seperately is not very hard you know" - Killed way more than 10 people seperately, but tbh never more than 3-5 at the same time.
Some guys set the houses on the north side of the bridge on fire just after I was banned, and then blamed me. Lol.
I blew the keep up

if your people hadn't been so eager to log off when I did, they would've known.
I was warned by Sauron for blowing up your keep, that wasn't allowed, and I was warned by Tim for stealing 30 iron ingots. Sauron said that blowing up infrastructure (bridges, roads, etc.) was fine, that's why I did it.
I still don't understand why Anrza did that, at the time he was a part of RedDagger along with me and around 8 others. But none of use RedDaggerians told him to carry out the attacks, in fact once we heard about the bridge attacks we kicked him out...
Basically, when I joined RedDagger, Sauron told me that I couldn't attack Forlond anymore. I asked why, and he replied that our clans were allies, so it would be breaking RP. So I think "Fine, I'll go tell them that". When I arrive, they start shouting things like "Kill him!" and stuff. I say "No!" and "Stop!" while I'm standing on the bridge with them running towards me. All but one listens, he starts hitting me and I jump off the bridge. I fall in the water and begins to climb the valley's side. When I get up again, the same thing happens again, except this time, they don't start hitting me, but asks me to follow them to their gate. Once we get there, they're (three players) doing some really crappy RP like all telling me to do different things. It all seems to be working perfectly fine, except they don't seem to get a single word of what I'm saying. Then a fourth noob logs on and the second he spots me, he's all like "kill him!" and he starts hitting me. Once again, I jump off the bridge into the water.
Now, the third time is just like the last two. Except now, two of them has horses. They ride after me on the bridge, and start hitting me (in the useless way you do while on a horse). I kill one of their horses and then start running, as there are now more people heading after me.
I don't get very far this time, already damaged from the horsefight and after being hit by an arrow, fall damage gets me.
I return a few minutes later. They're still sorting my loot. I still wanna talk to them, but I realize that if they see me, they will come after me, and one of them still has a horse, so they'd catch up with me and kill me easily, without gear as I am. So I get this brilliant idea: I can take the horse and ride away from them while talking to them, keeping a safe distance between them and me.
I run up to them, and take the horse. They chase after me. I ride away a bit and then start talking to them. They don't reply, but keep running towards me. I ride away a bit more, but as I look in F5 over my shoulder, I fall into a pit. I say "Wait" and such things, but they jump into the pit after me, and kills the horse and then me.
Then I return again. Now the guy who owned the horse is pissed and blames me for killing it. I'm killed right away.
And that's pretty much when I gave up.
[quote user_id="5455627" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/michaelrotov1234/74.png" name="michaelrotov1234"]Neither do I. He was literally killing people randomly and destroyed all of Forlond's food supply when few were online and claimed it was 'war'. However I do not know of any faction backing his actions, they were more like conventional crime or terrorism. He wasn't that brave either, I once had a staring contest with him in Forlond, he could have attacked but he didnt. (Obviously I had things up my sleeves for example lava buckets and I planned to ambush him while pretending to retreat but he could not have known that)
None of my killing was random. You didn't see "Behind the scenes". I never destroyed your food supply, I only took the food I got when killing you, and stealing little at the time from your chests.
As for calling it terrorism, we're having the terrorist/freedom fighter-issue here.
And when you're saying I'm not brave and that I could've attacked but didn't, well, maybe I didn't know you were looking at me or I just was good on food and gear at the moment. I think I remember fighting you once, wasn't it that time you were in diamond and I was in iron?
And oh, thank you <3 for reminding me about the mine incident!!! Haha, I remember returning after several days and your mine was still closed, with a "Beware of Anrza" sign outside.