The Serpent unfolded wings and began to fly, leaping through the air, escaping the dragon flame.
“Inbound object! Move!” Captain Amandil exclaimed, “Get back!”
Cardiloc heard the shouts of the Gondorians and saw the barrel falling towards him, it fell short, slamming into the lines of horsemen. For a second the world stopped.
Time literally slowed.
Cardiloc saw it all through the eyes of the Hybrid Giant, yet he was unable to move inside the Giant form. His eyes could just watch as the barrel moved through the air at the speed of a slug, smashing into the ground. The horses around it backed up in fright of the smash. He could hear their neighs in slow motion as the barrel broke up into tiny fragments of wood and splintered off in every direction. Inside the broken crate, Cardiloc saw a man fall out, broken and bloodied by the impact, his eyes were filled with tears as light filled his body and charged outwards, claiming the remnants of the barrel, racing towards the horses and spilling out in every direction. A great burning flame claiming everything in its way and racing towards Cardiloc. It engulfed the horses, the men, turning their bodies to dust, melting away the bones.
It was horrific. Scarring. One of the worst sights Cardiloc ever bear witness and quickly time began to speed up, the flames racing towards Dimitri who was trapped beneath the Armoured Giant and him.
[user avatar="" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user] [user avatar="" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user]
Glorfindel blocked the blow but Sauron countered, slashing at the elf’s wrist with inhumane speed. Glorfindel twisted and brought his sword down on Sauron’s, sending the blade flying. The Maia pivoted on one foot and kicked Glorfindel in the face with a swing, pushing him off the decaying body of the Executioner.
”As per usual, I win elf.” He turned and gave a sly wink to Ha’zi who lay next to Glorfindel, ”Stand up, Ha’zi. Take my hand. These elves want to use you. Come with me. I can protect people like you and your friends.” A smile crossed the Maia’s features, spreading widely into a grin. He picked up Mirecyla, gently and turned to Ha’zi, offering his hand.
[user avatar="" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user]