"Wait and then jump" where the words of Sigeric, Thoruk remembered them exactly, although as he looks down at the charging giant he's not so sure anymore about that idea. "A fack it lad" he says, putting his helmet on and standing up. "Iver, don't move just now lad, thank ya" he says looking towards Marco. "Aye boy, you better help our crazy bat, don't you dare coming back without one assist, got me lad?" he tells Marco, as a bit of a incentive. "See ya later lad" he says, falling down backwards like the badass he is, almost loosing his fathers axe while falling down. Mid air he slightly cuts into his hand with his axe, feeling the power flowing through his body. As he lets lose of this power to set it free the time stops for what seemed like ages. His normal form, using elemental powers infront of his eyes, as if someone wanted to tell him something. He uses fire, wind, water, yes even the earth, grass and stones. "I still have so much to improve, can't afford to lose a fight like this for sure" he thinks as the time begins to run again and the power streams around in his body.