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Iver saw the ugly ass giant that roared at him. "Damn, that wanker is uglier than my giant" he thought as the giant roared at him. He screeched back at the wanker but didn't do anything with him, what could he do after he lost the element of surprise?
Shit. The Warrior dodged out of the way with a jump to the side, then brought its fists down again to try and smash the Savage. (Wink wink)

Meanwhile, Ha'zi was mentally raging. How could he stop her? All his attacks were fucking useless. He may as well just give up and let Miriel take him to wherever she was heading before. But then, an idea came to him.

"Hey Keldar, could you give me some advice on how to use my one and only current ability on this lying snake?" Ha'zi thought desperately to the previous Warrior shifter. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user]
Mirecyla could see the Bat staring at her. It was out of range and the elven riders had gotten away. Now it was a standoff, both Giants screaming at each other.

Iver felt a strange sensation, Thoruk and Sigeric too, and Marco began to quiver in fear upon seeing it.
“G-gu-guys, i-it’s fr-freakin’ me ou-tt!” The Gondorian whispered, slinking down and hugging Iver’s back. The sensation. The feeling. It was utter dread. True fear. And Thoruk could feel a certain warmth spreading down his pants. The dwarf had pissed himself. Just being in the vicinity of that Giant caused fear to emanate through their bodies.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]


Around Daugo, of the twenty-two elves with Celeborn, only fourteen remained standing, battling against the Maiar. Swords clanged. Heads rolled. There was an explosion of sorts, one of the Maia sent four elves flying into the air.

The female Maia reached her hand over and almost grabbed ahold of Daugo’s shirt before a flash of silver steel came down on her back, slaying her. Celeborn stood there, bleeding from his temple and exasperatedly ordered, “Daugo, behind me, now!”

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user]


No reply came to Ha’zi. As per usual, Keldar was useless. However, a memory appeared to him. It was of the day Keldar, as the Warrior Giant, touched Berra, the Guardian and an exchange occurred between them. Keldar was able to create weapons out of his own energy, mimicking the Guardian’s ability. Ha’zi remembered it now, clearly. Keldar had been concentrating on her, not the Guardian itself, but on Berra: his friendship with her, how she was like an older sister to him, his emotions of brotherly love for her and admiration. It was through these emotions that he was able to emulate her powers through his Giant.

Miriel slipped beneath Ha’zi and rolled out of his grasp, stood, turned and faced him. Her bladed-arm was bloodied and her face still red from his slap. The damn idiot. Why did he have to get the Warrior? Why was it given to him? Why did Aranel become cursed and not this useless piece of trash?! Why did Laurelos have to die?!! Why?! Why?!?!

The Savage opened its mouth and roared back at Ha’zi, raising her bladed-arm and charging him.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user]
"Hm I accidently used my water powers I guess and I connected them with my fire powers...interesting, but it doesn't matter tho, atleast it's finally warm up here" Thoruk thinks, since he never realy felt fear and he won't know what kind of feeling it is, even if it hits him. "So what're we going to do bout those buggers now, just stare at them? Make like a weird jump down scene, transform mid air, stomp them and finish this?" he asks the others for advice before they would cry around when he jumps down without waiting.
"Dimitri, jump! NOW." Card roared to his companion, unleashing a barrage of flames upon the armoured giant and the foul snake curled upon its neck, no doubt blinding both from what was happening above. All Dimitri needed to do was cut himself and jump off, transforming mid air and smashing into the armoured giants head.
Zaro had seen clearly now. He had only wanted to unite the elves somehow and help bring light to this dark world. It had begun with the strange men, if only he wasn't selfish the elves might of not died, if only he realized the power of such creatures. I made a huge mistake when I tried to help and avenge the elves and I have only turned all the elves against me. I expected too much from my fellow elves and it seems time is but out and death will strike on all of us soon. He had never felt regret in his life and now he felt it as steadfast and strong as these monsters themselves. He couldn't go back and fix his mistake, but he could perish a better character than before his mistake; instead of die as the person who failed horribly and let his comrades die. Zaro put on his helmet and readied his weapons. If, I live or die today doing nothing and letting others die then I will live every day wishing I had a second chance and wishing it would be different or die as the idiot who let his comrades die for his selfishness and ill-found courage. So, no matter what end I will try with my life to go down in history as the elf who tried to redeem himself and went down helping others rather than the traitor and fool who cared nothing for others. "I am truly sorry." Zaro had spoken for everyone to hear looking at every face with regret and failure "You must see me as a failure and fool of a leader, it is true there is no way to undo what decisions I have made that had caused this. But that doesn't mean we can't fall as heroes and help the others. I cannot ask you all to help me after what I have done, but I hope some of you will meet this small favor. Our king is but nearly dead and our fellow elves are almost all fallen. Daugo is our key chance to defeating Melkor and our defense has almost been decimated. If any of you will stand with me one final time and go down greater than before you would be helping not only me but all of Middle-earth and the free people that cannot fight for themselves."
”Fuck.” Berethor said in the hot steamy compartment that located him inside the nape of the Armoured Giant. He wasn’t worried about himself but his partner and best friend. Evenis, jump! The idiot was still clinging to his neck, he raised his hand and gripped him trying to rip him off but it was too late.

A blast of flames burnt over his face, melting his hair and blackening his skin. The armor plating kept him safe from it, but Even...

The Serpent Giant slumped off his hand and fell to the floor, body charred from midway down. He had tried to jump but the Drake was fast. The upper half of the Serpent slithered slowly away, its under half splitting with a crackle as the skin was still burning. It slowly stopped moving after reaching fifty meters in distance.

Berethor looked up but all he could see was an ashy smoke blinding his eyes.

From above, the huge jade drake opened its jaws and began a throaty roar as flames started to cook out of its lungs, burning brightly through the emerald scales.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user]


”Aye!” Beregund cried at Zaro’s speech. He was met with grunts and some nods of approval as Harros commanded, “Slay the enemies where they stand! Charge!”

Their swords raised, spears lined up and the few archers that remained knocked arrows, all aiming at the Maiar who were encircling Celeborn and the tattered remnants of his retinue. Zaro saw one Maia with unruly brown hair who was awfully skinny but burning brightly, a sort of energy emanating from him. He extended his hands and blew four elves into the sky with a blast unknown to any elf, the fellow then turned to Celeborn and the nine elves surrounding Daugo, fighting to the death, ready to hit them with a charged blast....

Only Zaro saw what was about to occur and only he could stop it.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_PigGuardian_/74.png" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user]
Zaro's eyes quickly teleported; from the strange Maiar back to Celeborn and the group around Daugo. He knew what he had to do, he didn't have any time to think before they were all slaughtered. He darted rapidly towards the wind blowing Maiar, adrenaline was coursing through his veins at full speed, his heart beating with haste, time seemed to slow down. His spear arm was steadily positioned extended forward, his other arm was somewhat shaking grasping the reigns with the chain and shield in reach. His legs were pressed against the horse for maximum speed. The elven eyes were set on the target with hatred and barely blinking. Blood covered him from the giant boulder but barely phased him as the power took over. The elf thought of his parents who had only tried to help, his elven friends, his division, his king, his race, and all that was dear to him. He thought of Middle-Earth, the Valor, the Undying Lands, his old home, and more. The entire army all risked and given they're lives to protect these things, every one of them had came here for the greater good. They all fought so that they're world could be a peaceful, happy, and great place. All of them recognized these things and battle here today to live in joy. They had sacrificed they're lives so they could see they're homelands and desires safe afterwards or they could die with Middle-Earth still the same. For this was a world of desire and desire can be turned to pain. Everyone had what they wanted but Melkor has unleashed his evil and it will soon be turned to a world of agony and carnage. Unless they stand up today to change it. Zaro prepared to lunge his spear at the Maiar as soon as he got in range.
Dimitri gave himself a small bruise, dropped his warhammer towards a clear area, and jumped towards the Armored Giant's face, hoping to transform in mid-air and give him a savage blow. His purpose was clear: deliver the will of Tulkas unto his foes through a hardened fist to the face.
"Perfect. Just what I need," he thought with a dark smile, ready to finally dispose of her. He started to run at the Savage, making it look like he was going to charge her, then suddenly jumped to the side and lunged forward at Miriel, trying to touch her and if succesful begin empathic mimicry. 
Sigeric cleared his mind, doing his best to resist the wave of terror that swept through all of them. This fear was irrational. It had to be the ability of this new giant. Fear cut deeper than swords, but it could only effect those who allowed it to. He turned towards Thoruk. "Thoruk, wait a few moments, then jump. I shall attract its attention first. "Iver, feint towards the new giant to gain its attention, so I can create a weapon in time. Then, disengage and continue towards Ha'zi, to support him." As Sigeric prepared to fall from the Flying Giant's back, he found that part of his mind resisted. After a short struggle, he leaped from Iver's back, aiming to land rather far from the new giant to create space. At the last second, he bit down on his tongue.
Daugo whimpered behind Celeborn, tears drawing bright lines in his dust-caked face. He didn't want the old elf to die, he really didn't, but, what could possibly be done? He could do nothing as a hobbit, and the Behemoth would just hasten his demise... And then he saw Zaro.
"You go Zaro," he said in an anxious voice.
As soon as Cardiloc had finished his barrage of flames upon the Serpent and Armored giants the Drake would exhale his own fire barrage, sending it for the closest wing and then across his back. The Fire spirit would jump down and into the flame, using it as momentum to get onto the back of Card the dragon.
Mirecyla would observe the bat "Not much of a problem, only a nuisance really, Miriel is handling the Warrior, and then the Hybrid is over near Evenis and Berethor. So where are the others?" She wondered to herself but then saw something fall from the bat, no, someone! That leaves the Dwarf, Behemoth, Guardian, and Elemental. Shouldn't be difficult unless its the Behemoth that is. Roaring again Mirecyla would pump her arms and run to intercept the falling shifter.
"Wow this was fun! Blasting away elves, creating trouble like always, all that needed to be done was finish killing these remaining elves and then capture the Behemoth." He would think to himself grinning as he prepared to let out a big explosion.[/i[
Pyrus was observing the fight near the fence when he was drawn away by an approaching charge by elves, seeing where they were heading he noticed Azura and everyone else. "Shit. Thalól, Élnim, head down there and stop the riders! Élnim create a wall and Thalól take care of them. Hurry!" Pyrus would say, urgency in his voice, even though they wouldn't be killed forever it was useless for them to be killed now.
Card looked up at the other drake, the flames doing nothing but licking tenderly at the red dragons scales. He opened his mouth wide as the fire spirit jumped down at him, preparing to snap down at the spirit if it fell into his mouth. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Captain_Aasim/74.png" name="Captain_Aasim"]12253360[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]
”Is that-“ WHAAM.

A hardened fist slammed into Berethor’s face, cracking his armor and breaking his cheek. The next thing he knew there was some thing on him. The smoke blinded his eyes and he slapped his hands around in the air hoping to hit it.

Dimitri’s Dwarf Giant landed on the bald head of the Armoured. He had done substantial damage and had actually broken through its placoid shelling. Two Giant hands swatted by him, attempting to knock the Dwarf off.

Flames doused Cardiloc’s back and a battle between drakes began in the sky. The fire spirit landed on Cardiloc’s back but found his scaly skin immune to flames. He could do little to kill the Hybrid...unless...


Cardiloc’s jaws clamped down on the flame spirit, crushing him between his teeth. The Maia was dead.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user]


Ruollat was about to let his charge loose when he felt a cold metal pierce through his neck. Upon turning to see the offender, he saw a horse and it knocked him over, trampling down his face as he died.

Azura turned around and saw the charge then teleported, retreating. The other Maiar were not so fortunate. Swords sliced through their backs, arrows flew at their faces and spears hit their chests. Zaro’s cohort massacred the nine Maiar, slaying them all in one swift blow.

Zaro himself stood victorious over Ruollat’s corpse.

Celeborn looked up and sighed with relief, “Thank you.” He said, “They can appear in any space and disappear, servants of the Dark Lord. What is the report report from the Southeast?”

“A dozen Giants, my Lord.” Karstir called, noticing Daugo hiding like a child behind Celeborn’s legs.

“And what of the others?” He intoned to Zaro, looking at the missing elves from his Cohort.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_PigGuardian_/74.png" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user]


Mirecyla saw the man leap to the ground and a blast of light blinded her. When she looked again there stood, strapped into the Earth, the Guardian Giant.

Sigeric had the attention of the Executioner Giant as Iver could see from above. He could get away now.

“Hey, Iv, can we not fight that monster?” Marco asked, whimpering at the idea of challenging the Giant below them.

In the distance, the battles between Cardiloc and the Drake, Dimitri and the Armoured, Ha’zi and Miriel, as well as the Elves against the Maiar created a chorus of noises that added to the chaos and confusion.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user]


”Pyrus...” Élnim mumbled as they watched Ruollat get skewered. “We’re too late.”

Fourty elves reinforced Celeborn’s retinue in the north. And another cohort of elves appeared, rushing towards them.

Azura appeared next to them all, “They’re too many of them. I exhausted my energy. If you want the Behemoth, send a damn Drake after it.”

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]


The Savage Giant prepared its blade and counter-charged but Ha’zi managed to anticipate this and side-stepped before jumping onto her. Their skin connected and a moment passed between both shifters. There seemed to be a crackle of electricity.

They both rolled down on top of one another. Ha’zi started to feel something, deep in his core, as if something had finally awakened. Then it happened.

The pain. The power. The anger. The love. Everything he felt for Miriel exploded in him.
His fists began to glow and they started to harden, the crystalline material forming on them creating hardened knuckles. He felt a deep, primal rage erupt inside him. Every feeling he had for Miriel bursted like a whale out leaping out of the sea. He felt faster. Stronger. But the most important feeling was that of his rage. White hot rage. Uncontrollable. Animalistic. Rage.

Ha’zi couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, all he could do was become a monster.

They came to a rolling stop and Miriel was on top (per usual). She raised her blade quickly to stab him in the face and end it once and for all but hesitated, staring down into his eyes. That moment of hesitation was all Ha’zi needed.

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user]
Card threw the dead corpse of the Maia over the fence, it likely crash landed somewhere inside where the elves could inspect it. "Insect." He roared before flying up to lock in combat with the other dragon, he flew up and attempted to bite at the dragons neck, raking his claws on the soft underbelly.
"Lets see if i can call him to make a ga-" The Fire Spirit said out load before teethe penetrated his body, being killed instantly. The Drake would notice this but would be affected, he was only to be a distraction. Folding its wings to its sides the Drake would dive down to Card, claws extended aiming for his eyes. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user]
"Oh this is a glorious day! Master will be pleased." She would say to herself, running full sprint at the Guardian Giant, going to hit it with shoulder lowered similar to a American football player. [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]
"Prepare to die o-" He would be gut off, being utterly fucked by a spear and horse hooves, pounding him to a pulp.
"Shit. SHIT!" Pyrus would roar in anger, visibly shaking with rage. He'd kill the one who did this, it would be a slow painful death to. No mercy would be given to the bastard who did this. Screw the Guardian Giant, whatever elf killed him had it coming. "No, we already had 10 of us killed, if you wish seek council with Mairon and ask if he wants a drake to secure the Behemoth, but tell me, did you see the one who killed Ruollat?"
Daugo wiped off his tears and sighed with relief as Zaro's folks saved him and Celeborn. He paced away from the Noldo's refuge and stepped into the middle of the group, bowing to all the elves in sight. "I am indebted to all of you. Thank..." he said, his gaze moving towards the vicious battle nearby, his voice trailing off, "thank you."
Sigeric remembered how Berra had been able to conjure spikes out of the earth at the Battle of Aldamos. Focusing, he raised a wall of thorns before him, angled in the direction of the charging Giant. He glanced up at the Flying Giant. He had told Iver to intercept the new Giant's charge. Hopefully, he had understood. Sigeric concentrated on creating a glaive, hoping that the spikes would buy him time.
The Elves nodded in regard to Daugo but seemed much too focused on the danger around them, their guard high.

“Our objective is to destroy this fencing otherwise most of us won’t be able to escape. However, the Karoltai are our primary goal. Do not let them be captured by the Enemy. The Warrior Giant is having difficulty defeating its nemesis. Zaro, you and your party must bring down that Enemy Giant!” Celeborn waved his sword towards the Savage Giant.

“The Guardian, I believe, along with the Flying are fighting the other Enemy Giant. The one which looks like a mountain troll. They should be able to subdue it. In the meantime, Elrohir’s party, secure our perimeter. We need to figure out where the source of this monolith’s power is coming from and shut it down or to break the damned thing. Grandson, take riders and follow the monoliths, maintain your distance from any enemies and attempt to locate a power source. Otherwise we’ll have no choice but to use Daugo’s Giant to crush the structures. Advance!”

They all nodded and went their separate ways. Elrohir heading south with five riders, the remainder of their combined force standing guard and establishing a perimeter around the fence whilst Harros spurred his horse on, “Rally! We move to fight the Enemy Giant!” Zaro heard the call to action.

Celeborn turned to Daugo, he was still breathing heavily but refused to sit. Their horses had been scattered or killed by the multiple attacks between the Savage Giant and the Maiar. He leaned on his blade and spoke, “Master Burgins,” he coughed, “Do you believe it is the correct time to use your Giant?”

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_PigGuardian_/74.png" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user]


”Not really. Just some elf.” Azura stated to Pyrus, “And fine. We’ll just wait until it transforms then let Mairon take care of it,”

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]


Cardiloc’s claws cut through the drake’s stomach, ripping it and causing massive bleeding but in the process he couldn’t take a bite at the neck and instead two claws raked his face, one blinding him in the left eye and the other shredding his nose. The two drakes tackled one another and began to fall, the bigger one pushing Cardiloc down, towards the Armoured Giant...

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user]


The wall of spikes caught Mirecyla, impaling her shoulder. She broke through it and continued on, surprising Sigeric who had just finished one glaive. The Executioner Giant was rushing towards him too quickly!

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user]