”Is that-“ WHAAM.
A hardened fist slammed into Berethor’s face, cracking his armor and breaking his cheek. The next thing he knew there was some thing on him. The smoke blinded his eyes and he slapped his hands around in the air hoping to hit it.
Dimitri’s Dwarf Giant landed on the bald head of the Armoured. He had done substantial damage and had actually broken through its placoid shelling. Two Giant hands swatted by him, attempting to knock the Dwarf off.
Flames doused Cardiloc’s back and a battle between drakes began in the sky. The fire spirit landed on Cardiloc’s back but found his scaly skin immune to flames. He could do little to kill the Hybrid...unless...
Cardiloc’s jaws clamped down on the flame spirit, crushing him between his teeth. The Maia was dead.
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DimitriP_13421/74.png" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/UnusualBrit/74.png" name="UnusualBrit"]12700073[/user]
Ruollat was about to let his charge loose when he felt a cold metal pierce through his neck. Upon turning to see the offender, he saw a horse and it knocked him over, trampling down his face as he died.
Azura turned around and saw the charge then teleported, retreating. The other Maiar were not so fortunate. Swords sliced through their backs, arrows flew at their faces and spears hit their chests. Zaro’s cohort massacred the nine Maiar, slaying them all in one swift blow.
Zaro himself stood victorious over Ruollat’s corpse.
Celeborn looked up and sighed with relief, “Thank you.” He said, “They can appear in any space and disappear, servants of the Dark Lord. What is the report report from the Southeast?”
“A dozen Giants, my Lord.” Karstir called, noticing Daugo hiding like a child behind Celeborn’s legs.
“And what of the others?” He intoned to Zaro, looking at the missing elves from his Cohort.
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/_PigGuardian_/74.png" name="_PigGuardian_"]13873166[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/CluckmanTheDerp/74.png" name="CluckmanTheDerp"]13527980[/user]
Mirecyla saw the man leap to the ground and a blast of light blinded her. When she looked again there stood, strapped into the Earth, the Guardian Giant.
Sigeric had the attention of the Executioner Giant as Iver could see from above. He could get away now.
“Hey, Iv, can we not fight that monster?” Marco asked, whimpering at the idea of challenging the Giant below them.
In the distance, the battles between Cardiloc and the Drake, Dimitri and the Armoured, Ha’zi and Miriel, as well as the Elves against the Maiar created a chorus of noises that added to the chaos and confusion.
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/KingTraitor/74.png" name="KingTraitor"]13615485[/user] [user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]12519458[/user]
”Pyrus...” Élnim mumbled as they watched Ruollat get skewered. “We’re too late.”
Fourty elves reinforced Celeborn’s retinue in the north. And another cohort of elves appeared, rushing towards them.
Azura appeared next to them all, “They’re too many of them. I exhausted my energy. If you want the Behemoth, send a damn Drake after it.”
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/DeathValley105/74.png" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]
The Savage Giant prepared its blade and counter-charged but Ha’zi managed to anticipate this and side-stepped before jumping onto her. Their skin connected and a moment passed between both shifters. There seemed to be a crackle of electricity.
They both rolled down on top of one another. Ha’zi started to feel something, deep in his core, as if something had finally awakened. Then it happened.
The pain. The power. The anger. The love. Everything he felt for Miriel exploded in him.
His fists began to glow and they started to harden, the crystalline material forming on them creating hardened knuckles. He felt a deep, primal rage erupt inside him. Every feeling he had for Miriel bursted like a whale out leaping out of the sea. He felt faster. Stronger. But the most important feeling was that of his rage. White hot rage. Uncontrollable. Animalistic. Rage.
Ha’zi couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, all he could do was become a monster.
They came to a rolling stop and Miriel was on top (per usual). She raised her blade quickly to stab him in the face and end it once and for all but hesitated, staring down into his eyes. That moment of hesitation was all Ha’zi needed.
[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/9842Kye/74.png" name="9842Kye"]16315828[/user]