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As Orome showed up Vana felt conflicted. On the one hand, he did torture mortals for 3 ages and then teamed up with Morgoth. But on the other hand, he told her the truth, he tried to warn her about Manwe and because she ignored him their daughter died.
"Orome?" she would semi ask as he was referring to himself as the trickster for some reason.
''Augh.'' The man screamed in pain as he fell off the horse. He got up disregarding any pain and tried to help Dina get back up on her feet. ''That.. that explosion. I know it all too well.. It's back..''. A panic erupted inside the man, remembering the last time he and his comrades confronted the ungodly giant. He still remembers their screams, before all of them were silenced, and only ash and dust remained.

Even though fear gripped tight,he boggled up his emotions and straightened up his thoughts. They had to escape. They had to survive. Yet deep down, he wished for the power to enact revenge upon the beast, even though the man inside was a poor kinsman of his. Or was he? He did not know anymore, he did not know if they ever found a different successor for the beast. Yet he cared not. His priorities and goals were set. Escaping with Dina was all he should be thinking about.

''Dina come help me raise the horse, we must get out of here.''Then he paused looking at the chaos around him. The place he gave his life for, being destroyed. The people he fought for getting slaughtered. '' Your family.. your family is killing off my kin.. without any remorse without any regrets. Thousands upon thousands of deaths for what? A few of their own? Is this justice Dina? Is this what is right? Why? Why are they.. why are you all here? To eliminate all of my kinsmen? To burn the cities of men greater than Maia, for the sake of a few of your own that they killed?''

''Tsk,'' he frowned upon the sight of such.. injustice.. such horror. ''How did the kingdom I fought for and almost gave my life for ,more than once, crumble so easily.. perhaps I was right.. perhaps the weakest of men had the power. They were not ready for the biggest of threats that the kingdom faced. How could the King not predict and prepare for such a chain of events? Why.. why is my home burning.. why is it getting destroyed? All I fought for, was it all in vain?''

''I guess it matters not in the end. All we have to do is keep moving forward. Come, let's get this bastard and up and escape this hell on earth we have been plunged into. Perhaps Eru almighty still has plans for us.'' He looked around for where to go. Yet he saw only one option. And that would force them further from their goal. They could only escape the walls if they headed North. ''We head North. Only then shall we be safe and free from this hell.''
The Trickster's eyes flickered and met Vana's. For a moment they seemed clear, unobscured by whatever had come over him but then they hardened and his brow furrowed. He snickered. "That name holds no meaning anymore. I am the Trickster." His empty hand flew outward and a gust of power batted away all the Ainu but the Valier.

"Those of you who wish to live. Leave. This is your final warning."

[user avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/assassiniv/74.png" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user]
Sigeric frowned from inside his crystal, his attack had failed but it looked like the Armored hadn’t come to take him down, that was good it gave him time to recuperate and heal. It would be tough dealing with Berethor alone, extremely tough intact with Miriel and theta powered girl helping him also. But he was the only one left, Eru knew where the others were. Sigeric was thinking of ways to possible deal with his armor when suddenly he heard a voice in his head, his powers were back? Wait no, was that Card? But before he could respond the atmosphere changed, a cold wind seemed to blow that chilled him to the bone

He raised his head just as the winds hit, luckily not blowing away his giant form or crystal but it violently shook the line connecting the two, luckily it didn’t snap, the winds were hot and sharp and following then was a great explosion. Sigeric looked on in terror as the Leviathan rose from the ashes, it was happening, his visions and dreams, he- he had failed... but he wouldn’t die in vain, no, he’d do his best to make sure Gondors last stand was worth it as he urged his healing to quicken
Mirecyla was jumping up and down face turned down in disappointment as Miriel declared they would be leaving “WHAT?!? We can’t leave yet who am I going to kill!” Mirecyla yelled to her chieftain when suddenly she felt something touch the back of her neck and a touch of dread hit her, she turned around and wondered, had god come? The resulting effects was lessened with Berethor shielding her but she stood in awe, having only a moment register what had happened before she returned to her original state
Cardiloc peered over at the assembled group of figures from his position, he wasn't quite sure but he guessed that due to their close proximity to the armoured giant they were proto giants. He wasn't quite sure that Miriel was there, the Dunlending maintained his watch awaiting Thoruks attack. Then... wind lashed across his face, was that Thoruk?

A flash of light appeared in the corners of Cardilocs eyes, what was going, turning towards the source.

No... It couldn't be, the Leviathan, Marco...

Towering over the ruins of Harlond was a figure similar in size to Daugo's behemoth, this was bad, this was really fucking bad.

What had Cardiloc done, allowing the proto-giants to escape with the Gondorian, even subjecting Marco to all the pain he had undoubtedly suffered at the hands of that group by transferring Joplins powers to him in the first place. But, more importantly, what had Miriel done?

He grumbled a small curse, this was going to be difficult to solve. He clenched his fists in anger his knuckles quickly going white. Then he attempted to reach out to Sigeric again. "Sigeric, Miriel deployed the Leviathan, she deployed Marco. Thoruk is about to blast Berethor to smithereens, what's your status, are you still in crystal?"
Sigeric was dazed, this wasn’t good at all, not in the slightest, then Card contacted him again. ”Yes I’m fine and yes I’m still in the crystal, but no I’ll be contacting Thoruk in a second. I don’t knownwjere you’ve been or how you got here but Berethor can survive the Leviathans blast, Thoruk won’t be able to do anything to him, I need you to help me take him down while Thoruk takes down Marco, maybe I can do something to get him back....” Sigeric would say to Card before moving into Thoruk

”Thoruk if you can hear me I need you to abort your attack on Berethor, your powers while suitable to simply wear him down won’t be able to actually harm him or break through his armor. You would be much more suited to fighting against Marco, bring him down but don’t kill him, that’s an order.”
”Normally yes, but not this time, this time Thoruk is wielding a Silmaril. I have one too but I can’t use it the same way he can, it’s like it’s super charging his abilities or something. All he needs to do is keep Berethor distracted, while I find Miriel and end her madness,” Cardiloc argued stubbornly in is mind with Sigeric. “What other assets do we have on the field? Where’s Daugo? What other giants do we have of use?”
"That simple?" Ha'zi said, amazed at the plainess of his second chance. Taking one last glance at his friends, allies, and family, he smiled, then broke open his eyelids.

"Thank you, for everything. All of you."
Right as newfound hope and vigour pumped through him, Ha'zi was gifted a wholly disheartening situation on the other side: he was trapped.
There was rubble all around the Haradrim, obstructing his view, which he unfortunately came to realize when he tried to move. Bad idea- roaring pain greeted this action. He felt blood pour even more profusely from newly discovered wounds all over; felt pebbles fall down past his face; felt the rock above him shuffle then press harder on his already aching form; felt his enhanced body work overtime to combat the injuries, to no real effect.
He could barely sense any of his parts, 'cept for one arm, which neatly happened to be pinned by a boulder-like chunk of brick. And when he moved- more like twitched, to be honest- there was some blasted object stuck in him, stabbing his insides.
Fuck, it hurt.

"This is some intense
déjà vu," he chuckled. At least now Ha'zi had a chance at escaping the odds. He smirked, right when an odd rumbling shook the little spot he was stuck in, more loose pieces of rubble irritatingly tumbling. Probably one of those Protos shifting... Great, more to fight-

Don't think about it. Don't think about how it could be worse. Think about how you could prevent it from escalating, he told himself. You can get out of this rut and avenge them.

Do it.

Soon, Ha'zi started to glow, for what may very well be the last time. That thought didn't matter much to him- so long as that bitch got exactly what she deserved, then he would be satisfied.
Sigeric scoffed, what was this barbarian thinking? Just assuming he could suddenly appear and act like the mighty hero, no, damn him. Scanning his memories Sigeric would soon learn of the events that occurred and the powers of Cardiloc, good, he would be useful ”Cardiloc you shall transform into a beast worthy of breaking down the Armored Giant along with my aid. Transform into a hybrid with the body of a bull, jaw power of the Crocolion, speed of a cheetah, the claws of an bear, horns of a moose, and with the strength of an Mûmakil.” Sigeric would command Card to do while giving Thoruk the same order to attack Marco, this time not giving a suggestion.
Replacing the normal Dwarf personality came a somber, cold, calculating one. The logical, emotionless part of Dimitri was brought to the surface, quickly overrunning the berserker within him. His mind had become a fragmented battlefield, each part of it fighting for control. "I once felt pain, but I am now unharmed." he said to Tamara, monotone. He looked at the soldier that suddenly appeared just at the right time, and ordered, "Lead me to the foe."
Then, the world flashed white and the horizon was covered in fire. He would shield his comrades with his body against any possible harm, hardening himself too. Winds fierce as those in the Misty Mountains swept over the Fields of Pellenor, sending dust miles across east Gondor. The earth groaned and rumbled, and the world would never be what it once was. Like a mountain, Dimitri was battered by the storm, but remained unbowed.
Cardiloc was slightly irritated at Sigerics response but his commanding voice made the plan seem possible. He quickly tried to connect with the Guardian again through his mind.

“Alright, but I’m not sure we’re enough to take down Berethor. And there’s always a question of where Miriel is.” He’d answer Sigeric, his fists curling at he mention of that bitches name. “Do we have any other giants with us on the field or nearby? Or is it just the three of us?” He’d repeat his question from before. “Plus there’s something else, Thoruk has a Silmaril as do I; it’s like it’s super charging him maybe it’ll be enough to take down the Leviathan.” He finished.


The seventh Queen of the Valar, follower of Eru and widow to Tulkas; Nessa stood beside her older brother Aule at the throne room.

‘Be prepared to finish him.’ His brother had told her, Nessa knew who he was referring to.

Morgoth, the ruthless bastard who had slain her husband; Tulkas.

He never was the best husband though, being notably unfaithful, the champion of the Valar, even having affairs behind Nessa’ back. Nor even was Tulkas that much of a father to their son Teli either. But despite all this she still heavily respected and had strong feelings of affection towards him, as did he to her.

And Morgoth had taken him from her, slain the immortal champion of the Valar in single combat by some foul trickery here in the accursed plain of Gorgoroth. It did not matter, she would avenge her husband today, and all of his followers as well.

But there was all the matter of her tricksy brother, Orome, whom for the past few ages had gone by the silly and childish name the ‘Trickster’, despite her misgivings towards him he still was her brother and Nessa cared for him deeply. Once Morgoth was destroyed and his reign of terror ended they would deal with Manwe and end his own tyrannical, lazy rule, Orome would have the chance to avenge his child; as far as Nessa was concerned they needed all the help they could get to bring down the King of the Valar.

Nessa nodded to her brother in response. “Rangers of the Laurelin, keep your distance. Aule and I will deal with Melkor personally.” She instructed her ten Maiar followers, holding her knives ready for battle as she prepared to approach the throne.
Daugo cackled madly as Raddis melted before him, though his mirth was cut short by Dimitri's severed arm. Suddenly, they were fleeing outside, and the Dwarf Giant's ugly visage replaced his companion's maimed figure... And then the world was marred.

"Fuck me to the island and back," he whispered to himself as violent gales and tremors shook the air and ground, followed by a blast of light dreadfully familiar to him: the Leviathan. Anger surged within him and he braced himself, crackling his knuckles with resignation. 'Sigeric?' he thought, trying to discern whether their allies had not been completely incapacitated. 'I need to get to the Leviathan.' He didn't even wait for his reply, but repeated what he'd messaged the Dalishman out loud. "Don't follow me, soldiers, this threat is not for mortals," he added, before starting to make his way towards the direction the explosion came from.
Tamara would stay close to the other guards, starring at Dimitri transforming and wanting to help the others.

"I want to help too! Lead me out! My training will be helpfull, I promise!" she'd say out loud with a bit of anger that one of the guards held her back like she was a kid.


"Huh?" Thoruk would look around as wind hit his side before he could launch his own attack, spotting another... big giant appearing outside of their battle field as it seemed.

After listening to Sigeric's thoughts he'd stare for a second. "Marco? What? But how, I thought... isn't he on our side?" Thoruk would ask but not wasting any time for now.

"It won't get through the armor? Now we will see about that, I have a personal grudge with him so better lower your head lad." he'd tell Sigeric preparing to unleash all his power in one big lightning that the earth would shake beneath it, strucking down this bastard who slaughtered so many innocent people and killed the king of dale...

"DIE!" he'd shout, unleashing his wrath.
Vana saw it in his eyes, the old Orome, the one who was there in the good times, before Morgoth went crazy.
"I shall handle him, you should go and help Nessa and Aule" She would tell her sister and their companions before turning back to Orome.
The swan knights charging down the western street towards the pavilion were decimated as the winds struck them and caused many to fall. Then the earth shook and cracks appeared which swallowed many a rider and his steed up before sealing. They were being consumed by even the walls of the buildings. The order for retreat was called but the remaining riders did not make it far as a mere axe-wielding individual blocked their passageway. He knocked one rider from his horse with a single strike, cleaving his chest plate apart and proceeded to massacre the rest. After pulling his axe from the split-open skull of a knight he turned to his companion who strode up to him, having hidden in a nearby inn.

"We've taken care of their reinforcements from the capital. Our jobs are done, let's fetch Lasser and Raddis." The axe-man said to Dwendil.
"Where were they again, Jaikor?" Dwendil asked.
Jaikor glanced north-east and smirked. He swung his axe once then twice as he began making for their location.


"But Burgins!" Arcturus called after the Hobbit as he walked off towards the east, "We can get you there faster than on foot."

Helvion slowly detached from Tamara after shielding her from the winds, he looked up and saw the Dwarf protecting him. "Thanks Dimitri," He whispered then spoke to the young girl, "Alright. Follow me. We'll get you into position, alright."

Dimitri saw Daugo marching off to fight the Behemoth like the mad hobbit he was while the other rangers waited around. One of them called up to him, "Dwarf! Follow us. We have a plan!"


"I'm sorry, Arandil, I never wanted it to come to this." She whispered, "But you knew that..." As they were riding the crowds blocked their passage north. It appeared everyone was heading either into the capital for safety or fleeing onto the kingsroad. This traffic was bad...but it was the only safe route unless Arandil tried to detour through the violence of the city...


Sigeric's commands seemed not to register with both the Dunlending and Dwarf and as such just as his Guardian's nape healed over and the eyes to his giant opened he saw a shard of lightning shaped like a thunderbolt larger than the Behemoth come crashing down from the skies above and hit the Armoured dead center on its thick blonde skull.

Miriel leaped back in fright and nearly screamed as Berethor dropped both her and Mirecyla onto the building before toppling backward and crashing onto the ground, his entire giant radiating with heat. Was he dead?

Above them, the two female shifters caught sight of someone commanding the skies. "Mirecy," Miriel twitched slightly, "Transfo-"


Out of the rubble of the broken stage, the Warrior Giant, somewhat battered, rose out of the earth.

"Ha'zi?" Miriel's voice cracked.


Cardiloc felt the earth rupture behind him and a Giant shot out through it, nearly killing him in the process. His reaction skills had slowed down since he was trying to communicate with Sigeric and there behind him he saw it. The Warrior.



The Haradrim's eyes settled on the ruins of the festival. He saw the ruined stage beneath him, the masses of bodies, the blood and destruction. This was all her doing. Then he heard it.



From the north, nearly a dozen smaller giants appeared. Each identical to one another. They began marching towards the pavilion. More enemies...


And in the distance all of them heard the rumbles of the Leviathan as it continued to march towards Minas Tirith.



The double-iron-doors to the throne room flew open and the Ainu streamed into the court of the Dark Lord. There was not a soul but the one sitting upon the shadowy throne.

"Hm." Morgoth seemed to laugh as they panned out around him assuming a defensive formation. "Cute."

Aule did not allow for him to utter another word. The earth burst out and swallowed Morgoth whole, dragging him into the depths of Arda.

"Ready Againor."


Before Yavanna could protest they heard a rumbling from ahead. The fight had begun.

"Do not falter, sister." Yavanna said and she burst a hole through the side of the hallway into the vaults and left through it, their followers leaping after her in succession.

"I suppose they really do want to die then. Oh well." The Trickster took a battle stance. "I guess that leaves both of us alone. Just like the good old times, isn't that right, dear? And I'd like to see you 'handle', 'all of dis'."


"Iver. It's time. Go." Orome's voice reached his friend.

From the mountain tops of Ephel Duath, a large foul beast ascended into the skies, its wings batting with such force that the nighttime clouds parted for it. And so the long-awaited vengeance he deserved would finally come.
''The city.. if we go through the city we might encounter more dangers. We could be pinned and slaughter like livestock in a pen. I.. I wont risk that. We shall follow the road, no matter the time it takes for us to escape.'' He thought to himself. But he wanted to ask Dina a few questions that had boggled his mind.

''This attack.. was it for revenge? Was it for just needless death and destruction? Will your family hunt down all these civilians and us alongside them?'' He looked back at her with a face that had no light. He seemed shattered by all the lives lost to this attack. He was furious yet he could not show it. He was shocked yet he could not express it, for he felt weak inside. At any moment he was ready to throw up.

As he looked behind at the chaos, he saw all those dead.. they were people he fought for and defended with his life. They were nobles from lands far away. They were innocent to the crimes of few, yet they were punished all the same. His look was pale, inside he was boiling for a fight.. but he could do nothing but take this opportunity to escape with Dina. All he could do.. was keep moving forward. And so they did.

''May Eru bring justice upon the kingdoms and free folk, for all this injustice, all this death and destruction.. what could possible be worth.. what could possibly be the reason to justify all of this?'' He stopped speaking. He couldn't utter anymore words. And so they carried on, while hell broke loose behind them, and his kingdom and people burned behind them. All he could hear now were the sounds of a distant battle, and countless innocent souls screaming for help, and agonizing screams of men and women as they were dying.

Mirecyla yelped as she was thrown onto the roof before popping back up like nothing had happened, Berethor had fallen by some unknown force but she doubted she was dead, perhaps simply stunned, yes that’s it, stunned! She cackled madly as she searched for the one who dared attack her sweet Berethor when from the nearby rubble a familiar form ascended, Ha’zi. In the distance more giants appeared as Equas seemed to join the fray, wait, didn’t Berethor say something about Equas not being loyal? “Attack who.” Mirecy said roughly to Miriel, practically panting
Sigeric has hopped his command worked when just as his eyes returned he saw what could only be Thoruk summon a great lightning bolt, but before he could react it struck, hitting Berethor and bringing him down, but he knew he would stay down forever. Suddenly out of the rubble came Ha’zi, standing tall and mighty, laughing Sigeric would go to rise to his feet just as in the distance more giants transformed. Perhaps Daugo, Dimitri, and Tamara had also survived, but it looked like their odds were coming back, in quick succession he contacted all three of them separately.



”Nice for you to join us, mind helping me take care of Miriel and the Armored or do you want to go help Thoruk with the Leviathan?” he asked the Hardadrim
”Piece of cake.” Cardiloc thought to himself and grinned as Thoruk easily took down the Armoured Giant.

Then a sudden flash of light behind him.


Cardiloc felt his skin tingle with goosebumps as he slowly turned to face the source of the noise.

And there, standing above the rubble was... no, it couldn’t possibly be.


Cardiloc watched in awe as the Warrior Giant stood over him, did this mean... no, it couldn’t be. His sister hadn’t survived as well, she wasn’t a shifter. Card felt a sudden burning rage towards Miriel.

Then Sigerics voice once again entered his mind commanding him to deal with the collection of giants to the north.

Cardiloc focused his eyes on a location a small distance away from the assembled giants to the the north, and transformed into a small 15m long Gorilla Lion.


Nessa’ eyes furrowed at the sight of her husbands killer, though she’d maintain a clear head. A scowl still formed on her lips.

As Morgoth disappeared down a chute, Nessa turned to her brother.

“I suspect a trap, either that or Morgoth believes himself powerful enough to take on two of the Valar, even one of the Aratar. Be wary brother,” She confided with Aule, her eyes locked on where Morgoth has disappeared.
Daugo flashed a smile at Arcturus (Dead Man #1). "Of course, you're right. Lead on, we must vanquish this threat as hastily as possible." His face did not betray what he was really thinking; that these brave, fine Gondorians would all soon be corpses in the battlefield. The invisible hand of destiny seemed to have already decided that for them.

"Dimitri, will you carry me as well? I'm afraid my legs are a little too small to take me to the Leviathan quickly."