"Why I 'forsake' my allies?" Thoruk would say in reply.
"Because I had faith in them. Every single one of them is strong. Maybe not physically such as Dimitri but they always had the plans, their minds far superior to mine, I only did what was told, as a warrior would do." he would say in a calm tone, not even bothered by all these images after what he had witnessed in his own thoughts before.
"And at last, I helped them, I helped all of them to defeat our foes and when they realy needed me I always tried to be there, help them out, like friends would do. I even warned them to not give their blood to this... weird woman, as they for once seemed to have chosen the wrong way, the wrong path. But they, they not even cared about my word although I cared for all their well beeing and not just my own and still, I gave in on their wish, even on a wish that doomed all of us..." Thoruk would state before listening to whatelse this voice had to bring up....
Thoruk was taken my suprise as what this creature showed them could not be true... but yet... everything else was also true after all.
"S-so this happend already?" he'd ask although there would be no answer for sure.
Thoruk would stay quiet, letting the images of Ha'zi dieing sink into his mind. "He was a good friend, although we had our differences when we last met... had we just not departed ways in such a ugly fashion old friend..." he'd think.
"But as it seems we'll meet up soon enaugh to make up for the bad ending 'ol lad." he'd think before the other pictures went through his mind... innocents, lots of innocent people, all slaughtered by that whore, who he thought, was still in the village....and Sigeric, who, well- he was alone, all alone against her as it seemed. "Has she killed the others too? She couldn't possibly win a battle against Dimitri and Sir Daugo?" Thoruk would think scratching his beard.
"But after all, it doesn't look good. Just hope ye can handle it Sigeric old friend, although you stayed behind alone you never seemed to be resting, planing on ye next move... Aye, that's how a true warrior would think, a true protector of his kin..." Thoruk would mumble as he thought of his own kin... There was no one to protect them now... none of the others would care for his kin, as all seemed to have their eyes on gondor...
"I doubt I could've stoped her and Ha'zi..." Thoruk would say out loud.
"And I doubt I could've done something against her... killing all these innocent people. I wouldn't even think about such a possibility, exactly like the people you see there, getting stomped by a giant, although they only wanted to enjoy the festival and investige at what prowess these beasts have. They had done nothing to her... she blamed them for deeds others had done... and now they got to pay the price..." Thoruk would say as he slowly remembered what he just did to the people in this village...
"I know her position very well..." he'd say after a short break
"This hate also devoured me... and that's the reason I were not there, not because I only thought about myself... no, you can't blame me for that... try as you will, but I thought of the others, trying to kil the people that were about to kill my friends, but... I was to late, for I had been devoured by my own hatred I could not see what's wrong and what's right anymore...." he would add, clearly understanding his false decisions...
"Yes! Ok? YES! I killed innocent people, I killed people that were kind to me and even these children but this wasn't for my own well-beeing, no, you think you know everything about me? You know nothing." Thoruk would say with a slight bit of anger in his voice as this voice seemed like he knew everything about them...
"I did this for my friends... I did this for the free people of middle earth, I did this to prevent what you just showed us, but-... I was to late to stop it from happening... I was always to late and I had enaugh pain because of it. I lost my mother, my brother, hell in Durins name... I lost my father three times." Thoruk would say.
"I always got a payback for my deeds, I always did... and the pain was far greater than any of what you could show me... as of this, I claim not to always do everything for 'the greater good' but- and this is of importance- I allmost never do things for myself... I always try to do things so my friends and family could have a better life, so they could survive... I might've done some mistakes, but everyone made mistakes and- and-..." he stopped in his tracks as the voice once more spoke up, a final time as it seemed, showing them three people, people that seemed like Thoruk had seen them before, beeing persued by this.... whore, Aranel.
He would look away and turn his head into the point blank nothing infront of him.
"I am a failure. Indeed, but you are wrong when you realy think we wasted our powers.... Yes! I might not've killed any big threat so far, but I saved all I could, as I myself decided to be a guardian of middle earth and it's creatures, atleast those who would not fight against my kin, as family goes beyond everything...." he would say.
"And yes, I might have not been able to protect all of them... infact, there where many that I couldn't protect... but I tried, I gave it my all. Just look through my deeds." he'd say, taking a short timeout before speaking up again.
"Aranel... I protected her from those.... gods or whatever they were, although she ment nothing to me, she was helping me and so she deserved to be protected, like every good soul there is..." Thoruk would state, adding one final piece to his speech.
"Even you can't always speek the truth... as I protected people... I gave them a smile, I helped them up when they needed me the most... Yes... you are right..." Thoruk would say with a calm tone as if he was to stop soon "I could not protect my family... no matter how hard I tried... I was a failure... I am a failure..." he'd mumble, slowly going quiet...
These were probably his final moments... he just hoped to see his friends again, and- especially his family, as these ment the most to him.
Honor could pass. An axe could break. Love could go bye. Hate could devoure. Strength could fade... but Family... family would always remain a family... and that's what made him confident for whatever awaited him in his afterlife.... "May the days of house Ironbeard never fade away into oblivion..." he would mumble in Khazad, awaiting his judgement.