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  • I edited your skin a bit, shaded a lot of little things (plus a big shading job on the cape) and also gave you a chainmail hood tucked into the back of your neck, check it out!
    Nominate yourself for king of Dale/ Master of Laketown! Be sure to re-nominate yourself if you did so for the first one, as that is now invalidated
    Thanks to the great kindness of Ljuboss, we were glad to OFFICIALLY welcome FOUR bards today! Welcome to the bards,
    Titan_Kronos, Lord of Time
    Ljuboss of the Red Daggers
    BananaOranj of the Longbeards
    and EdhellenCuaron, Elven Lord!
    I am honored to have this role :P , I will never neglect it and together, we shall take over the universe!
    If the bards knew what I was working on, and what I have planned. They would explode. It is a good thing I didn't post this on beep's wall
    Yes, I may one day show to you what I was working on. It was a beut
    1. Halad the half elf
    2. Yea
    3.I am a medium level wizard and a half elf I dual wield a staff and sword and participate in the center of battle.
    4. Because Beepbobit thought I would be good
    5. I am a very good leader and think on my feet (if I do say so myself)
    6. I can bring glory to the bards name aswell as right well (Or so I think)
    7. I can help write down events and add many first person accounts to our scripts.
    Good work. The goal of the bards is to write down histories, not just stories, so we need more people who can simply recount events along with more hardcore writers
    Application Begins
    I am a Titan, I am the Titan of Time, I am the King of Titans, Titans rule the universe.
    Application Ends
    1. EdhellenCuar, the Elf
    2. Yaaassss!
    3. I guess I could be a warrior Elf... idk. But anything having to do with Elves
    4. I'm a friend of the Bards
    5. It'd be really cool to be one, I'd like to represent the Elves, and I can write.
    6. I can help you Bards by bringing some Elven wisdom into your midst.
    7. Since Dimitri has stated that the true Bard language is Latin, and I know Latin and can speak it, then I will write in Latin. http://www.empirewar.org/profile/7649897 BOOM
    1. Weby, The cold
    2. Lol, yeah of course I've been to bards HQ
    3. No RP character. What, is that mandatory ?
    4. Well, I was told (by you) that I was a "friend of the bards", so... I guess I can say things are getting serious
    5. Because bards are fun
    6. Well... I did not know you needed help ?!
    7. Well, most of my writings are in french (the TRUE bard language > ), so I don't think you'll understand. Just read my "convincing" bug reports.
    ...or, you know... I'm writing a small polar too, but it's kinda long to copy here, since it's handwritten. And french. Picture by PM.
    RaidStone - Weby
    RaidStone - Weby
    Also, I'm a GREAT builder... except when it comes to medieval, where I'm only "not bad".
    BananaOranj, Rahdgar Eversmith,
    No, I have never been to the Bard's HQ
    My RP character is Rahdgar Eversmith, a Dwarf from Erebor who serves Sjoerdtim and is a sword for hire when he is not. He fights for good(aka I try to be on the good guys in all the battles) without pay when he is needed.
    I am neutral with the bards... I think....
    I want to be a bard because I love writing and everyone tells me I'm good at it.
    I can write lore for the bards, such as developing enemies or that kinda stuff(my specialty)
    After seeing both his work and his application, I cast my vote in this fine fellow's favor.
    Ok, so, based off of my previous announcement, here is the application for the bards. Answer all these questions/satisfy all these terms, and your application will be taken into consideration. Good luck to all!

    1.Name, RP name, Title (if any; outrageous titles will hurt your cause, you are meant to earn titles, or be given them
    2. Have you ever been to the bard's HQ? (yes or no)
    3. What is your RP character? Who is he/she, what is their job, how do they fit into the world of EmpireWar?
    4. What is your current standing with the bards? (If I gave you one, if not just say neutral or don't know)
    5. Why do you want to be a bard?
    6. How can you help the bards?
    and finally,
    7. Include a link to a selection of your writing. This can be any writing, poetry, stories, convincing forums posts even. This should be a representation of the best you can do. If you need to, write a little story for this piece, but it'd be better if you use something you've already wrote as that will be higher quality.
    Thanks and good luck!
    Oi, I've made a new char on LOTRO - a champion Dwarf named Aurlik, on your server. Maybe you wanna make a bard char and do your intro quest, then I can putter around with minor quests while you find me and we can form a fellowship?
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