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  • "Her music is so bad people are blowing themselves up after listening to her"
    -A comment in the Manchester bombing
    There's a difference in joing about people who died 70 years ago, and people who died yesterday. Saying "Everyone dies anyways. Who cares" about a terrorist attack if very disrespectful.
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    Why is there a difference? I can assure you, both the Holocaust jew and the bombing victim will react the same way. People who say such things start joking about something when its immediate horror has passed. It is not any more rude to joke about someone who died yesterday than someone who died 70 years ago, or even 700.
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    And those African kids in your average meme pic didn't die 70 years ago, I can assure you.
    God damn. I notice a lot of yall aren't dat active in RP anymore, even in my steampunk RP, or am I too overhyped?
    Well I do know what me schemes are but... Idk man, I think iz just without some lore to back it up it kinda feels in the air (no pun intended huehueHUEHUEHUE). If you'd just sum up the current situation for me it'd be a gud start, iz kinda hard to keep track of it all when everyone replies in separate comments to different wall posts...
    Well, I'll give you one that's based on the continuation on the last post.
    ooh damn :3
    My thread was re-added. For those who don't know, someone *cough* craft *cough* accidentally deleted my thread. So, the only thing that was saved was the map. Go ahead and check the thread, although, there's nothing special other than adding/readding your nations
    You guys can now make an app. Show your claimed land in your app. Depending on the amount of people participating, I may shrink it down if it's a big ass claim.
    [user]13527980[/user] I just like looking at apps. Sorry XD. But hey! You can make a chicken race at least if ya like XD
    So it's sp?
    [user]14628767[/user] steampunk won da vote. So, yep.
    For da RP, we are going to roleplay at Dylan's gay RP 's wall. Apps and shit will go in Kye's badass website.

    As for the poll, if Steampunk wins in the vote (vote on my previous post), this will be the map. So, hold your horses on the apps and land claims and shit.

    Light blue: Voids and shit
    White: unclaimed land... duh
    Grey triangles: mountains and shit
    Red triangles: Volcanoes
    blue lines: rivers
    blue puddle looking stuff: lakes
    red lines: lava rivers
    Red puddle looking stuff: lava lakes
    Now that a lot of people are hosting RPs, I'm probably going to bandwagon like the asshole that I am and host one. It's probably going to be a continuation of Craft's RP season 1 & 2 or steampunk. Now, I know some of yall are thinking, "Grissum, you lazy bitch. Yall Asian ass said that months ago and yet you didn't do it because yall be in dat Asian cuisine all day serving orange chicken at da rich neighborhood while doing your attention whore shit by talking shit in the internet while discussing yo problems." But trust me. Thanks to all da homies out there hosting their RPs, I got motivation. ..
    should I do continuation of Craft's RP season 1 & 2 or steampunk? Decisions are hard
    "Choppaz ready latz! Da Filfy Stunties fink dey can 'andle us?! Keep in mindf dat da Shiny Crown iz mine! And iff Zum'un try tu zteal MY Shiny Crown, He'll hav a Bootz zo far up 'is Arze dat he'll vomit me shoez! Nouw keep in mindf dat if yer zummon sumthin' from da Void, yer dealin' wiff it yerzelf! Aight latz?! WAAAAAGH!"
    ~Im Bored.
    I think my character info for craft's rp in craft's wall got deleted. So, I'll just put it here:

    Nation leader: Haashim Na’man

    Personality: Insane, talented

    Favorite weapons: rope darts, scimitar and knife, javelin, throwing knives

    Age: 33

    Known relations:
    -Name: Sawda Usaymah (deceased)
    Gender: Female
    Relation: Girlfriend
    -Name: Bobby Jr (jk. His name is Mus'ab)
    Gender: Male
    Relation: Pet (Baby Oliphaunt)

    Career: General, Elite soldier of the Hasharin (former)

    History: Unknown

    View of other countries:

    -Gondor: He despises it the most. Despite his girlfriend being killed by them and his insanity, he gives no hostile movements towards them even though he’s a general of the Haradrim armed forces. Bargains will probably be lead personally by him if negotiations are required.
    -Harad: Despite his Southron pride, he doesn’t feel proud of his government, but rather its people. He likes his people more and he’s willing to protect them
    -Mordor: He respects that country.

    -Umbar: He respects that country the most. He is currently trading with them independently
    -Rhun: He despises that country because of their betrayal. He usually calls them the “bastard-lings” for backstabbing Mordor.
    -Gundabad: He respects them for their powe- *COUGH* I mean battle strategies.

    The rest are neutral. And he despises all Elves.
    Luck is finally in my side. Today, I was looking for a wireless headphones at fry's, and then I found this headphones that's originally around 120 dollars but it reduced to 100 dollars since someone used it. So, I grabbed it and then went to the cashier. It reduced again, to 68 dollars. Then, another discount was added so it went down to 64 dollars. When I opened the box, it was good as new and not even the charger inside the packet is open. So, I just got a new headphones for 50% less
    Fhack you, capitalist pig!!! I hope [user]15521620[/user] will rape you in your sleep
    Did I hear someone praising Capitalism? Time to take a trip down to South Carolina!
    It's North Carolina, you Texan pleb. South Carolina is for Hillary supporters and overweight elderly women, sometimes both at once. As for this "capitalist pig" nonsense, I can say nothing other than PRAISE THE ECONOMY! LONG LIVE THE FREE MARKET! *yellow and black anarcho-capitalist flag waves in background as patriotic music plays*
    Oh, and in addition to my post relating to my birthday yesterday, if sjoerdtim plebster decided to add point boosters before my birthday comes by, there's a small chance that I'll probably buy and get wasted on that shit. If that happens, yall better be in dat server getting wasted on dat points with me.
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