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    Go to ender's server right now. a ww1 map is finished
    Our last days on empire war and I already have the hand foot mouth disease. I can't even type this post right! The only good thing from this virus is I got an op pokemon on my way to a urgent care
    well, this is what happens if you try to make grenades... wtf... I want to make actual grenades, not strip mining ones -_-
    well, it works now.... the command block system looks like a dick tho :\
    did u try turning it on and off again?
    no need... it works as a grenade now :P
    Well, I've just met my cousin after around more than a decade. It's funny that I don't remember him because he's not as much as a dick as his younger brother who is 1 year older than me (I've met his younger brother about 5 years ago). He's seems more badass than his younger brother as well. He also seems more perverted than his younger brother but at least he doesn't talk about his dick size like his brother. He gave me a lot of advice like host a party when your parents are gone, etc. He's quite weird too. every time I've stare at the decorations at a restaurant, he thinks that I've been staring at some girl's ass which is sometimes true due to the fact that a girl's ass can be in your field of vision when you mean to stare at something else. Anyways, since I'm back, I've might as well take a look at these 90 notifications and continue working on Ender's projects.
    so no more Illyminaty stuff?
    I will work on it when my school starts. School days makes my brain works to the fullest due to the fact that I can come up with weird stuff easily when I do my homework
    here I am.... still waiting for ender to come to his server just for him to help me with the execute command so I can make cobwebs turn into barbed wires. STILL WAITING!!
    Lord Hamster
    Lord Hamster
    Just stick Instant Damage on it lol
    This Ender sounds like an expert tailor
    Updated list! You may notice some people requested bizarre stuff! Feel free to request as much stuff as you want!
    1. EnderMatrul is Illuminati requested by EnderMatrul
    2. Szucsclan is Illuminati requested by Szucsclan
    3. Pornhub is Illuminati requested by Long Live The Queen !
    4. Mia is Illuminati requested by Mia
    5. Only_God is Illuminati by Only_God
    6. DimitriP_13421 is Illuminati by DimitriP_13421
    7. assassiniv is Illuminati by assassiniv
    8. PoisonPot is Illuminati by PoisonPot
    9. ShIXTank is Illuminati by ShiXTank
    10. bobbymech is Illuminati by bobbymech
    11. FrodoSwagins is Illuminati by FrodoSwagins
    12. TheWitherKingHD is Illuminati by TheWitherKingHD
    13. Iluminati is Illuminati is Illuminati by bobbymech
    14. Illuminati is Gelekaasvlek by Gelekaasvlek
    15. Kek is Illuminati by CluckmanTheDerp
    16. Donald Trump is a liberal by CluckmanTheDerp
    17. Putin, Trump, Hillary, and Obama is Illumanati by Warlord0009

    and 18. The staff team is Illuminati by me just to thank them for working so hard on a server that lasted more than half a decade. These staff members and Tim deserves a "good job homie! That's some real badass gangsta shit right there!"

    I'll work on these requested posts. I promise XD.
    He said "why but you want to donate to adopt a troll? It's cheap? Please? Trolls just want hugs, misunderstanding :(" I speak fluent twol.
    Due to it's rarity, I highly doubt it's cheap but ok :P
    kek seems u forgot about it didnt u :grinning: seems like u failed the challeng
    "Please share your final stories on this server and enjoy your last days here. I will read through all of them." -Tim 2k16

    Um... idk where to share my actual story on this server but I'll share it here
    Documentary: Rise of the mixtape overlord and that one guy who makes everyone look smart.

    Narrator (me you pleb): December something 2k something, a new world approaches. new people appear out of nowhere in empire war. But one man who is now retired started to kek these plebs. We will now travel like, 3 feet to see that pleb. *walks three feet to go to the next computer and kek some plebs. Then pretend he is two people at once*
    Grissum1 (I'm gonna talk about my story for real this time): um, in all seriousness, when I first started, I was only good with troll since I know how to aim but can't dodge. My first role model in empire war I think was twgxslugger. I remember him destroying everyone in his way while I was walking next to him making him look badass. He was the first person to guide me through on what to do (well, he told the whole team what to do really). I think I had a 1.3 kd something when I met him? idk. But that 1.3 kd was trashed by him wiping the floor with blood XD. So, I think my kd was up by .10 and then I met m4rine_semperfi. I was on his dick mood when I first met him XD. That's because I was using troll I believe? But, then, he seems to be chill. (if you don't get on his dick mood at least). Well, anyways, once I get to know I'm, he showed me his helms and some other maps. I believe he said he wasn't dat good at redstone when he was young? But then, compared his skill at his young age to what my skills are now. I don't even have the balls to move my airship with command blocks. So, I guess that means I suck at redstone more than him at his young age which is quite embarrassing XD. Anyways, after a month or two, I met coryeckman I think that's his name XD. He was like the jackass of ew. And I thought I was a douchbag.
    Cory: "It took that long to kill me?"
    My thoughts: Well, ya. Your a fucking mage. You can heal your ass. you expect people to kill you easily when you have 20 instant regan potions? Jeez, and I thought Donald Trump doesn't have logic. Look at this guy. He can't even tell he's at full health when he uses those potions.
    After that, I don't really remember much. I remember having a 5 minute battle with nativebrand. It's boring because he was a mage and I was a torcher. So, none of us died in the last 5 minutes. But, I ended up killing him before he throws his potion. Other than that, I don't remember much other than people making me look good whenever I'm archer. I suck at archery honestly. But people keep dying from me when I'm archer. So, I thought I should switch to mage because I suck at mage as well so people can have an advantage but that didn't change at all. Other than that, that's all I can remember.
    Well, if you are not interested in my legendary past when I first come to empire war, you are free to go :P
    But then this is a story about my past when I first came to empire war. Meeting you was so many months later
    Actually, what happen to twgxslugger anyways? Why did he disappear?
    The new ballista is on the right. There are no command blocks stored inside that ballista compared to that other one to the left. That one is ghetto and takes a lot of space. (Although, it can still shoot explosive arrows but you have to get on the minecart and use that lever). I'll probably set the arrows on fire too using command blocks just to make it look dope.
    I don't use plugins. I use all natural (legit from nature :P) pure sexy command blocks. I may be ghetto. But not that much XD. Anyways. the command blocks already made the arrows explosive. So no need for fireballs since my cannons are using them :p. I usually keep all my redstone systems inside the balloon part of the airship so the system won't be disrupted or annoyed by those retarded arrows.
    so just add a command block that test were you are looking at and shot the arrow or add a way to aim that thing (kind of hard)
    ya, aiming it is my hardest thing to do with the ballista
    I'm so mature when it comes to Ender's creations XD
    So when he says his mixtape, he throws a fire grenade... And then I teach him how to be a suicide bomber...
    Well, thx to assassiniv's advice from a few weeks ago, I was able to make my ballista arrows explosive. Plus, I made the ballista smaller. However, I'm still trying to figure out how to aim it or actually shoot it :\
    yes im helping
    send a picture of the new ballista and i might help you with this aswell
    k :3
    The list of Illuminati suggestions from 3 days ago to today:
    1. EnderMatrul is Illuminati requested by EnderMatrul
    2. Szucsclan is Illuminati requested by Szucsclan
    3. Pornhub is Illuminati requested by Long Live The Queen !
    4. Mia is Illuminati requested by Mia
    5. Only_God is Illuminati by Only_God
    6. DimitriP_13421 is Illuminati by DimitriP_13421
    7. assassiniv is Illuminati by assassiniv
    8. PoisonPot is Illuminati by PoisonPot
    9. ShIXTank is Illuminati by ShiXTank
    10. bobbymech is Illuminati by bobbymech

    Feel free to request an Illuminati topic if you're name is not there
    Topic: gooal123 is Illuminati

    gooal123. gooal123 is a koala. Koalas lives on trees. Trees rhymes with Hercules. Hercules is a myth. You know what else is a myth. That's right. Drop bears. Drop bears are in Australian folklore. They are the predatory, carnivorous version of the Koala. Coincidence? I think not. But what does the drop bear has to do with gooal123 being a part of the Illuminati? lets find out. Take a look at 7:42 and 8:12 on one of the montages he made down below. Woah! isn't that something a drop bear would do? I thought so. So, my bad. gooal123 was actually a drop bear this whole time. Lets move on. Now, 812-742=70. gooal is rank 38 on that server I just showed you. 70-38=32. 32 rhymes with boobs. boobs are round and there's two of them on a human. a drop bear's nose is also round but there's only one. Now add them up. 2+1=3. The Illuminati also have 3 sides. therefore,

    gooal123 (also a drop bear. totally not a koala)=Illuminati confirmed.
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    "The Illuminati also have three sides." First of all, the Illuminati are humans. No, they don't have three sides. Secondly, what you were pressumably referring to was the "Illuminati triangle"... which is, in fact, not the ILLUMINATI triangle, but the trademark of the Highest Entity, also used as a symbol for something renewed. The Illuminati symbol is an owl on a book.
    Well, I was talking about that meme itself. Not the Illuminati in real life.
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    Sir Schnitzel the Delicious
    The meme IS talking about the real Illuminati. If it weren't, that would be rather random, don't you think... "Hey man, let's create this random meme where we pretend that people belong to a secret cult with a triangle symbol. We only need a name for it!" "Sounds great! What about... the 'Toasty Meatloafs'?" "Naah... I'd go for the 'Super Secret People." "What about the 'Illuminati'?" "But there is already a cult by that name..." "Who cares? No one knows who they are anyway. And the name sounds cool."
    Surprisingly, the "CluckmanTheDerp is Illuminati" seems to be the more popular than the "sjoerdtim is Illuminati" one. It's weird because sjoerdtim is a living meme compared to CluckmanTheDerp. Sadly, The "CluckmanTheDerp is Illuminati" one doesn't have enough likes to show a fire icon :(
    Topic: Grissum1 is Illuminati ( after this, I'll move on to the suggestions that you made from 2 days ago to today ). Grab some popcorn because this shit is fire!

    Grissum1. Grissum1 is known for retarded mixtape jokes when it comes to Uruk Torcher. Uruk Torcher. Torcher rhymes with torture. Torture is basically abuse. Uruk Torcher is known for abusing mixtapes when throwing it, well, if you are Grissum. Anyways, you know who else have mixtapes? That's right. b.LaY. B.LaY is a rapper. He left nine lives to work on his mixtapes. B.LaY co op with Deuce, which is Grissum's favorite solo artist. Does that seems a bit too suspicious? But what does Deuce have to do with Grissum1 being a part of the Illuminati? Well, lets find out. Deuce is a former member of Hollywood Undead. Hollywood Undead. It consist of 5 members. My bad. I forgot about the homie funny man. So it's 6 members. It took one year to finish swan songs. It took two years to find a music label to not censor their music. After one year, they added two bonus tracks. after that year, Deuce is now kicked out of Hollywood Undead. So, lets subtract all the members by the years. 6-1-2-1-1=1. The Illuminati has one eye. Therefore,

    Grissum1=Illuminati confirmed
    Topic: Warlord0009 is Illuminati. Due to the fact that Warlord threatens to send an army at me, I'll have to make another one of these. Grab your popcorn, because shit is about to get blown up by the VDV and the KGB.

    Warlord0009. A guy known for being a communist. Communist. Communist Kim Jong Un. Kim Jong Un is the supreme leader of North Korea. Kim Jong Un cancels a visit in Russia. Russia is where Warlord is. Does that seems a bit too suspicious? What is Kim Jong Un hiding from us? Well, Lets find out. Kim Jong Un enjoys nukes. Russia has the largest amounts of nukes. But why did Kim Jong Un cancels a visit in Russia if he likes nukes? Does that has something to do with the Illuminati? Well, lets find out. Lets compare Kim Jong Un and Warlord0009. Kim Jong Un is a leader of an armed forces. Warlord is also a leader of an armed forces. Kim Jong Un is a communist. Warlord is also a communist. Warlord has 4 numbers. 0+0+0+9=9. Kim Jong Un also have 9 letters. Warlord is against democracy. Kim Jong Un is against democracy. Their common enemy supports democracy so therefore it's 2 against democracy and 1 that supports democracy so 2-1=1. The Illuminati has one eye. Woah! Does this seems suspicious, maybe Kim Jong Un is preventing us to realize that he and warlord are actually the ones working for the Illuminati making an excuse that Russia refused to meet Pyongyang demands so we can assume that their relationship in unstable but in reality they are working together to destroy the enemy which is the United States and every other enemy that defies them with those large amounts of nukes that Russia has without us realize they were allies the whole time leaving only them and the Illuminati as a superpower. Therefore,

    Warlord0009 (along with Kim Jong Un)=Illuminati confirmed
    the truth has been revealed u all know to much prepare for we are coming for u
    Haha... you can't stop me >:3
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