Now that I have your attention, let us talk about
Now that I have your attention again, let us talk about the reopening of Black Flames, a survival role-playing faction developed none other than our friend
Hentz (quoting you to give a link for your wall).
It has several interesting things, including:
ORE VEINS, meaning you'll have to earn iron through war or trade and not by just digging a hole in the ground!
DISEASES, meaning you can torture your prisoners by throwing syphilis against them!
ORIGINAL LORE, which we all love'n such!
YOUR EW FRIENDS, which will probably hate you for claiming a land before the server's actual opening!
The links to follow its reopening and development:
-Hents's Wall:
-The Black Flames Forums:
Now, I also want to talk about MY POSSIBLE FACTION on Black Flames, which I'll probably not even lead, myself being a moron'n such.
Introducing VIKHJARTA, inspired by Norse, Viking, Slavic, Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Skelligan cultures!
Why should you join? One word: TO VIKE, or 'to raid' for the peons. But we won't raid always, we aren't morons.
Why am I saying we, tho? I don't have people to do this faction!
So, why not come and be a Viking yourself? Here's the post:
So, what're you waiting for? Come and be a Vikhjartan Viking, a Feudal Blackfyrean, a RedDagger Roman, a Futile Westmarchen, a Bastard Gurnisson (of course I'm joking, Gundie) or whatever you want to be! But be a Viking, please.