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remove cooldowns on siege

It takes a while to get used to, but after a while it'll be worth it and work well.
I don't think we should switch back.
I like the cooldowns on classes like hammerer where you are able to take on multiple enemies because of resistance but on classes like swordsman it's a lot harder with cooldown. Also one thing, bonebreaker is insanely op if used properly because there is no cooldown so I suggest it gets raised to 3k points.
I dislike cooldowns as my playstyle in games is either to be a sniper or a squishy high burst and high mobility class / build. cooldowns is effectively the opposite of what I want so I too dislike cooldowns.

A couple of other things I hate about cooldowns other than the change in pace of battle is that it is now much harder to fight when you are outnumbered, limiting what you can contribute solo to your team. Also half my hits do not register when I know I hit them with cooldowns which wasn't a problem back when spam clicking was a thing though this might be due to my high ping.

I personally would like to see solider and mage to not have cooldowns but other classes added in with higher attack dmg with cooldowns to increase how many classes there are and to have more diversity. This would allow people to spend the points they have horded up and also it would make both the cooldown side of people and the no cooldown side happy and able to play the way they want.
I thoroughly dislike it that I can't take on multiple enemies at the same time due to the cooldowns. I favour the removal of the cooldown mechanic.
I don't like the cooldowns either. I like to play stealthy and quick, but when the cooldown takes almost a second to reload after the first hit, I'm at 1/4 of my health already. You really can't take down an enemy as quickly as you could in 1.8, so that completely removes stealth. Plus, like lots of people already said, you almost can't 1v2, let alone 1v3. I really dislike this.
The problem with cooldowns is they turn minecraft into a turn based game. Its like:
Ok you hit me.
Now I hit you.
Now you hit me.
etc etc....
It also means that if you have an axe, and fighting a sword... if you miss once, that is like 3-4 seconds wasted, while you are pummelled by the swordsman.

I think that both teams should get swords. This is because the playstyle of axe and sword are vastly different at the moment - alternatively, tim could make axe act more like a sword.
The problem with cooldowns is they turn minecraft into a turn based game. Its like:
Ok you hit me.
Now I hit you.
Now you hit me.
etc etc....
It also means that if you have an axe, and fighting a sword... if you miss once, that is like 3-4 seconds wasted, while you are pummelled by the swordsman.

I think that both teams should get swords. This is because the playstyle of axe and sword are vastly different at the moment - alternatively, tim could make axe act more like a sword.
Normally, The Orcs are suppost to have a weapon equal to human swordsmen, the problem is that they have axes which now have a longer cooldown, tim just needs to make iron axes have as much damage and the same attack speed as iron swords

And swords are only 0.1 seconds slower than the used to be, because in mc, entities can only take damage every 0.5 seconds, and swords now have a 0.6 cooldown, so that mean its only 0.1 seconds slower.

Also just because it only does maxium damage on full charge, you can still hit without full cooldown, its all about timing.

So basicly swords aren't much different, just axes are.
So long cooldowns should only be for classes like hammerman, troll etc
Others like Swordsmen and archers cooldown should be just set to 0.6 or 0.5 second cooldowns.

And like Tim said, it takes a while to get used to.

[quote user_id="6137746" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/m4rine_semperfi/74.png" name="m4rine_semperfi"]I like the cooldowns on classes like hammerer where you are able to take on multiple enemies because of resistance but on classes like swordsman it's a lot harder with cooldown. Also one thing, bonebreaker is insanely op if used properly because there is no cooldown so I suggest it gets raised to 3k points.[/quote]

Maybe we can just set the cooldown to 0.4 or 0.5 seconds so that there still is a cooldown but they won't have a major advantage over trolls and such

And for bone breaker, its damage is low because its super-short cooldown making the sharpness not buff it to much, but maybe it's damage should be balanced a bit.
[quote user_id="9802996" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Tobberz/74.png" name="Tobberz"]The problem with cooldowns is they turn minecraft into a turn based game. Its like:
Ok you hit me.
Now I hit you.
Now you hit me.
etc etc....
It also means that if you have an axe, and fighting a sword... if you miss once, that is like 3-4 seconds wasted, while you are pummelled by the swordsman.

I think that both teams should get swords. This is because the playstyle of axe and sword are vastly different at the moment - alternatively, tim could make axe act more like a sword.
Normally, The Orcs are suppost to have a weapon equal to human swordsmen, the problem is that they have axes which now have a longer cooldown, tim just needs to make iron axes have as much damage and the same attack speed as iron swords

And swords are only 0.1 seconds slower than the used to be, because in mc, entities can only take damage every 0.5 seconds, and swords now have a 0.6 cooldown, so that mean its only 0.1 seconds slower.

Also just because it only does maxium damage on full charge, you can still hit without full cooldown, its all about timing.

So basicly swords aren't much different, just axes are.
So long cooldowns should only be for classes like hammerman, troll etc
Others like Swordsmen and archers cooldown should be just set to 0.6 or 0.5 second cooldowns.

And like Tim said, it takes a while to get used to.

[quote user_id="6137746" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/m4rine_semperfi/74.png" name="m4rine_semperfi"]I like the cooldowns on classes like hammerer where you are able to take on multiple enemies because of resistance but on classes like swordsman it's a lot harder with cooldown. Also one thing, bonebreaker is insanely op if used properly because there is no cooldown so I suggest it gets raised to 3k points.[/quote]

Maybe we can just set the cooldown to 0.4 or 0.5 seconds so that there still is a cooldown but they won't have a major advantage over trolls and such

And for bone breaker, its damage is low because its super-short cooldown making the sharpness not buff it to much, but maybe it's damage should be balanced a bit.[/quote]

For the Orc scimitars, I think instead of just making it equivalent to a sword, it should actually be a retextured iron sword using the 1.9 damage value textures. This way, it would also get the sweep attack, and wouldn't have the ability to destroy shields.
I kinda agree with removing cool-downs, though i don't know if it's possible. Many classes have weapons that don't have cool-downs, such as Ents have no cool-down when hitting with their leaves making them OP, and save with the Warg Tamer's wargs, they just demolish other classes.
I kinda agree with removing cool-downs, though i don't know if it's possible. Many classes have weapons that don't have cool-downs, such as Ents have no cool-down when hitting with their leaves making them OP, and save with the Warg Tamer's wargs, they just demolish other classes.
Ents do way more damage if you hit after the cooldown, it takes about 6 hits to kill a archer spamming and 2 not spamming.
I fully agree with removing the 1.9 pvp system (Cooldowns) as it completely ruins the pvp where you take on more than one person, everything else is fine, 1.9 brings in nice features it's just the cooldowns which ruin it for me.

I need not explain more as everything has been said above.
I see that 90 % normal players dont know how to pvp in 1.9 and just spamklicking. they cant kill anyone so they leave
So we state our opinion and suggestion and you have to come in and insult people? Perhaps we just prefer the old pvp system compared the new one? Did that even register to you?
I kinda agree with removing cool-downs, though i don't know if it's possible. Many classes have weapons that don't have cool-downs, such as Ents have no cool-down when hitting with their leaves making them OP, and save with the Warg Tamer's wargs, they just demolish other classes.
There is a command but its with command blocks and such
From what've I've seen so far is that classes such as Mage, Ents, Bonebreaker, and other classes that don't have a "weapon" are now severely ahead of everyone else. Mage can now easily solo any class, and sometimes multiple. Ents are, well ok actually ents have always been OP but now they are more OP due to increased cooldowns on orcs. I haven't been able to play with other classes yet, but just from seeing how these two classes have suddenly surpassed all other classes means two things.
1. PvP needs a massive re-vamp in order to restore any kind of balance
2. Cooldowns have caused EW to seriously slow down in terms of fighting, and also making it impossible to kill multiple enemies anymore.