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US Host

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V1 King
So, since we now obviously and proofed have a US host people in EU are screwed.

Basically, you won't get spawned on horses at Helms Deep, you lagg like crazy. It's like you can't even hit the uruk-hai, it looks like they have God-mode or something. It's really annoying, and I'm quite sure most of the people come from EU. I honestly think about quitting, as playing is sometimes impossible. And you basically lose points and lower your KD.


We could compromise and have the server hosted somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic, but that would probably just screw everyone over (a cost a whole ton more).
Uhm, i think the majority of the playerbase is european. And idk why its in the us because the current host also hosts server room in the eu.
This post seems kinda selfish, what you're describing was what happened to every US player (including me) before the host switch.
This post seems kinda selfish, what you're describing was what happened to every US player (including me) before the host switch.
However, most players on this server are European so Ith is right when he says it's bad. Even if the playerbase was 50/50 between Europe and USA (which it obviously isn't, just look at the amount of players online in the European night and morning) a host located in the west side of the USA would not make sense. In fact I'd say that it is selfish if you think a host location in the USA is better considering the location of most of the playerbase.

[quote user_id="6858712" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/fj333/74.png" name="fj333"]Uhm, i think the majority of the playerbase is european. And idk why its in the us because the current host also hosts server room in the eu.[/quote]
Empire War is a big server and needs good hosting, the new host provider is known to be reliable and perform well. Also the new host has to be a dedicated hosting option considering the scale of the server, this dedicated hosting option is only available in west USA on the new host provider, which is quite the distance from Europe unfortunately. Tim said that there may possible be a European alternative soon, but until then it'll be laggy for Europe.

For me, The host location is very bad and I may just quit or definitely play less because of it. Going from ~9 ms ping to an instable ~185ms is not very nice at all, while I would be fine with anything below 130. Players are making 'mini teleports' all the time and are hitting me in the back from miles away now (just like I expected). Melee now feels sluggish and delayed. It's worse for archery, this became hard as people can just run through my arrows and hit me anyway and after that get the delayed knockback, together with also being hit in the back from far away as when I play archer I often have a hit and run style. The lag spike of death seems to be less, but it is definitely not gone either :/

Now I have been called selfish for complaining about things like this before elsewhere, but this is just how it is in my eyes regardless of what others may think of that. I don't think I have the lag as bad as Ith does as I can hit my enemy just fine it's not like they have a godmode or anything like that, it's different for everybody.
Funny how the Europeans and Americans are arguing over their Ping while mine has hardly changed.
[quote user_id="10274382" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/nautilus64/74.png" name="nautilus64"]This post seems kinda selfish, what you're describing was what happened to every US player (including me) before the host switch.
In fact I'd say that it is selfish if you think a host location in the USA is better considering the location of most of the playerbase.[/quote]Indeed; when the host was located in Europe it promoted the common good, or the greatest possible outcome for the greatest number of people, yet it is selfish in the fact that all these US players can finally fully experience the server at it's greatest potential, and all these EU players come and want to strip the US players so they can have their high-stature low ping back.

Alas, I don't want to argue, nothing can be done about it, so just let it be.
you're describing was what happened to every US player (including me) before the host switch.

I've been playing this server for a few years now... Can't say US people take up the majority of players (because they don't), but I can say all the US players have been dealing with this for a long time, and yet still play. I guess it'd be better to have a EU based host, but... Not speaking for everyone from the US, but I find this post funny.
It's funny how us Northern Americans haven't complained for multiple years about this, yet when the server changes its hosts for one day the Europeans get pissed.
I haven't played with the new host, looking forward to it since it is finally on my hemisphere, but if it is in the West Coast then it may very well be equally laggy to me as it was when it was European. A middle-point could actually be somewhere near the Northern Caribbean, the Bahamas, or Bermuda, but I doubt you'll find a good host there x.x
Um..... I am guilty of encouraging/making at least 3 of the threads your talking about when the server moved to Europe. i was very upset when the server moved. so its not like we are the goody good guys who never flame if you know what I mean?. I think that people in Europe are taking it rather well, or at least on the forums. if the host never moved to Europe i would never have learned to be one with the lag. they just need to adapt their pvp play style, i will to after being so lagy for so long. hint to all you Europeans: be one with the lag, and use it to knock skrubs off on moria. moria will be your new favorite map from now on.
Having a latency > 200ms is just plain ridiculous.

What's more is that EW will lose its playerbase very VERY fast with this new host.

I really don't know why Tim didn't consider using OVH... Having a dedicated server in Roubaix is the best thing that could happen, because that implies a latency < 100ms for everyone across the globe, except Australia.
Plus, free DDOS protection up to 3Tbps for every server.

Meanwhile, some "other servers" (wink) are actually on OVH and have no latency issue...
Having a latency > 200ms is just plain ridiculous.

What's more is that EW will lose its playerbase very VERY fast with this new host.

I really don't know why Tim didn't consider using OVH... Having a dedicated server in Roubaix is the best thing that could happen, because that implies a latency < 100ms for everyone across the globe, except Australia.
yea. it also "lost its player base" when it moved to europe. and everyone said the same thing. guess what! EW is still around!. and the one in Arizona was picked because it was one of the very few ones that gave sjoerdtim what he needed to run siege. sort of like the one that just closed down was the only one that gave him what he needed to do stuff on siege.
Having a latency > 200ms is just plain ridiculous.

What's more is that EW will lose its playerbase very VERY fast with this new host.

I really don't know why Tim didn't consider using OVH... Having a dedicated server in Roubaix is the best thing that could happen, because that implies a latency < 100ms for everyone across the globe, except Australia.
Plus, free DDOS protection up to 3Tbps for every server.

Meanwhile, some "other servers" (wink) are actually on OVH and have no latency issue...
My connection went from 15 to 180 ms, and I got absolutely zero extra lag. I expected way worse, but it really isn't that bad. It doesn't get close to how bad it was for US players when we were in EU, or for EU players when we were in US years ago.

Also, EdelBlack, you have been banned, as you are clearly a Raidstone/Weby alt.
It's funny how us Northern Americans haven't complained for multiple years about this, yet when the server changes its hosts for one day the Europeans get pissed.
Woah, woah, woah. It's not like it wasn't the other way around before. US people constantly complained about it, but I guess that escaped your hawk eyes.

Myself, I'm taking a break because I can't play on EW anymore, even with the tested method of "close your browser and other software so the game would run smoothly" the game still lags. But hey, tis life. Guess it was a necessary step to move the hosts, although I'd personally love to see it getting back on EU, but forcing it would be selfish.
It is all a bit silly in my opinion. Tim is using the excuse 'well its fine for me' to justify moving the server away from the majority of the playerbase, and the fact is most people are far worse off now.

I don't see how it seemed reasonable to move it so far away rather than choose another European host.
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