This post seems kinda selfish, what you're describing was what happened to every US player (including me) before the host switch.
However, most players on this server are European so Ith is right when he says it's bad. Even if the playerbase was 50/50 between Europe and USA (which it obviously isn't, just look at the amount of players online in the European night and morning) a host located in the west side of the USA would not make sense. In fact I'd say that it is selfish if you think a host location in the USA is better considering the location of most of the playerbase.
[quote user_id="6858712" avatar="" name="fj333"]Uhm, i think the majority of the playerbase is european. And idk why its in the us because the current host also hosts server room in the eu.[/quote]
Empire War is a big server and needs good hosting, the new host provider is known to be reliable and perform well. Also the new host has to be a dedicated hosting option considering the scale of the server, this dedicated hosting option is only available in west USA on the new host provider, which is quite the distance from Europe unfortunately. Tim said that there may possible be a European alternative soon, but until then it'll be laggy for Europe.
For me, The host location is very bad and I may just quit or definitely play less because of it. Going from ~9 ms ping to an instable ~185ms is not very nice at all, while I would be fine with anything below 130. Players are making 'mini teleports' all the time and are hitting me in the back from miles away now (just like I expected). Melee now feels sluggish and delayed. It's worse for archery, this became hard as people can just run through my arrows and hit me anyway and after that get the delayed knockback, together with also being hit in the back from far away as when I play archer I often have a hit and run style. The lag spike of death seems to be less, but it is definitely not gone either :/
Now I have been called selfish for complaining about things like this before elsewhere, but this is just how it is in my eyes regardless of what others may think of that. I don't think I have the lag as bad as Ith does as I can hit my enemy just fine it's not like they have a godmode or anything like that, it's different for everybody.