Originally, I envisioned this roleplay would be concluded within 2-weeks and it would be a one-event story. Originally.
Now, I see the potential, the demand, the glory of roleplay and what can be achieved. Already we've covered a two-events and an entire chapter of a story. A story that, originally, was intended to be short, dramatic and disastrous. But now, now, I want you to experience everything. Everything that has been done before and so much more. I am going to take you, the roleplayer, on a journey the likes that you've never before seen, a venture into the remote.
This roleplay will encapsulate months of RP in this epic saga. I will deliver to you more, so much more. But you must bear with me and I must bear with you.
I wanted this RP to be a 2-week event since after said two weeks I would be incredibly busy doing my last examinations. Of course, most of us would be. On Saturday, April 14th PM UTC (+3:00), I shall pause Ventures into the Remote. On Sunday, May 27th I shall resume Ventures into the Remote. This shall be a 43 day break where no roleplay shall take place on our RP. The entire story, characters, plot - everything - will be paused. Once resumed we shall start off where we ended.
Truthfully, I want to keep going. The fire of roleplay within me has been re-ignited and the support I have received from you is immense and has kept my interest high. But, if I do not stop I will be unable to study, essentially, and will fall behind in my classes and lower my final exam grades, which I need for university next year. Thus, for my own success in life and likely for yours as well I must do this.
But bear with me and I will bear with you. Come Sunday, May 27th I will put everything, I mean, everything into roleplay. You will not be disappointed and this great saga shall continue.
Plans for the Future of VitR:
-I plan 12 full chapters of Ventures into the Remote fun, currently. One of these has already been concluded - the Bree Arc. And the second has begun - the Slaver Arc.
-Approximately 1-2 months of additional roleplay.
-If concluded, possibly spin-off RP's or something entirely new after, however, these concepts are not developed and shouldn't be discussed at this current point in time.
That is all. This is Cap/Aasim, signing off.