The Soldiers of Manwë eyed him closely but allowed him to go through. One walked up to him just as he was entering and grabbed Thorgrund by the shoulder.
“State your purposes and reasons for entering this district.” He said calmly.
[user avatar="" name="DimitriP_13421"]8861015[/user]
The rock bounced off the cell bars, not hitting Iver.
“Mirc,” Miriel muttered, “Just let him rest. You can fuck with him later.”
Suddenly, Iver started to vibrate. Yes. He physically began to vibrate, his body shaking as if in spasm.
[user avatar="" name="assassiniv"]14628767[/user] [user avatar="" name="DeathValley105"]15756962[/user]
The trail veered off left and suddenly ended, the black scorch marks stopping just beneath the trees. There was no sign of the man.
[user avatar="" name="Yiannis123"]18199471[/user]
Sauron was tossed, turned, flipped over and under as the gales blew him this way and that, punching at him, crumpling his bird form.
Two huge hands cupped around the crow and Tulkas Astaldo began to drop back to the ground.
”Our father granted me the ability to defeat all my foes. That includes kicking your ass, Gorthaur.” He spoke to the bird, beginning to crush his hands around Sauron.
“Zaro, what are you doing?” Karstir asked as the elf tried to throw a dagger five hundred meters into the sky at Tulkas Astaldo. The bird was so small it couldn’t be noticed among all the rubble in the air.
“O’ Eru, is he being witless again?” Harros asked, shaking his head in disapproval.
“You three, quiet down. This is interesting. I want to hear the Vala speak.” Celeborn turned to Zaro, Karstir and Harros.
Glorfindel watched silently as Tulkas fell back to earth, landing with a light thud. He was so agile and absurdly muscular. It almost made the elf jealous but he was too busy admiring the Vala.
Sigeric saw the fight culminating between Sauron and Tulkas, though, he could not see Sauron on the field.
Marco and Thoruk hauled Dimitri up the hill towards Eonwë.
Meanwhile, Túrin continued to urge Cardiloc, “Our time is waning, dragon-man. Be hasteful.”
On the hilltop, Ha’zi saw Eonwë too busy addressing an elf’s wounds. When he got closer he recognized Elladan, the humorous elf from their expedition, he was burnt redder than the cracked Mordor dirt. Eonwë was dressed in dark armor and clothes, his right arm hang lifelessly from his body whilst his left went to work checking Elladan’s pulse and roaming over his injuries.
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