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  • A bit late on the New Year's train so this will be only to have my obligatory January post--
    Feliz año nuevo a todos. Personalmente, el 2017 fue un buen año para mí y mi familia, pero globalmente fue un desastre de magnitudes que ni yo siendo tan pesimista a veces pudiera haber predicho. Espero que las cosas mejoren en este 2018, y que todos tengan un año lleno de dicha y prosperidad.

    Hehe have fun with that
    Probably get ignored
    Felicitations on the celebration set long ago to be the official anniversary of Yeshua, known in the Christian faith as Jesus with the added suffix of Christ!

    and dun eet chikun, at least for today ;'v
    2 late fam
    Dark Duo
    Christ = Koine Greek for Savior
    Points for trying, I'm not gonna be obnoxious and correct you cos it's Christmas
    Back in Puerto Rico! Unfortunately that means that power and internet are not at all reliable, so expect me to be somewhat inactive again until things stabilize *Spongebob French narrator voice* three thousand years later...

    In regards to the various RPs I participate in:
    -War, you can assume control of my nation as Bendyk Maksymillian while I'm gone
    -Potatodragon (who I think is craft but I'm not sure lel) can assume control over the Antillean Confederation during my absence
    -If Griss' rp is still a thing, you can eliminate my character, don't pause it because of me (altho it seems to be pretty ded)

    Dark Duo
    Yes I'm craft :slight_smile:
    Hey. You seem to be active on enjin lately, do you still play minecraft though? We would be happy to see you again
    I'd been playing Minecraft last month only when I was very bored, school, piano, reading and writing were enough to keep me entertained for the most part, so I wasn't playing a lot. The hurricane just made me more resilient to boredom, so yes, I may play Minecraft at some point (if I have Christmas break this year, then, for sure), but don't hold your breath.
    I just got internet for the first time in 20 days, so hi. Don't have power yet, but will be going to Philadelphia on Thursday so hopefully I'll be back for a bit.
    Puerto Rico has no power :( Cluck and Gnu are gone FOREVER!
    Apparently some places might not haev power for 8 months
    Hope everything recovers down in the 51st state. Good luck!
    51st state hahaha
    I'm not an idiot...I live in the states. Puerto Rico is all over the news. Why else would I make this post?
    someday pureto rico will be a 52nd state when its fixed and its populations heads are liberated but as long as people don't know how good brontocratism would be for them. things will remain the same
    Hahaha scratch the previous post, Irma did nothing. María, on the other hand...
    Wao you being smashed atm? Luckily clucks can swim!
    Texas got hammered, so I guess Zeus thought it'd only be fair to send Puerto Rico one of the most monstruous hurricanes that have ever strolled across the Altantic. Should be arriving tomorrow around evening, so, depending on how things go, agen and I could go MIA for a few days, maybe weeks. Probably not, but who knows xd
    We're fine, we live in the part of the island that was farthest from the storm, so we got some moderate rain and a little wind, nothing too serious. Power's been gone since last night though x.x
    Wow this was 10 weeks ago. You don't live in Houston either, you didn't get hit nearly as hard as they did. You aren't even in a danger zone lol
    It still wasn't that bad lol.
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