A bit late on the New Year's train so this will be only to have my obligatory January post--
Feliz año nuevo a todos. Personalmente, el 2017 fue un buen año para mí y mi familia, pero globalmente fue un desastre de magnitudes que ni yo siendo tan pesimista a veces pudiera haber predicho. Espero que las cosas mejoren en este 2018, y que todos tengan un año lleno de dicha y prosperidad.
Hehe have fun with that
Probably get ignored
Felicitations on the celebration set long ago to be the official anniversary of Yeshua, known in the Christian faith as Jesus with the added suffix of Christ!
Back in Puerto Rico! Unfortunately that means that power and internet are not at all reliable, so expect me to be somewhat inactive again until things stabilize *Spongebob French narrator voice* three thousand years later...
In regards to the various RPs I participate in:
-War, you can assume control of my nation as Bendyk Maksymillian while I'm gone
-Potatodragon (who I think is craft but I'm not sure lel) can assume control over the Antillean Confederation during my absence
-If Griss' rp is still a thing, you can eliminate my character, don't pause it because of me (altho it seems to be pretty ded)
I just got internet for the first time in 20 days, so hi. Don't have power yet, but will be going to Philadelphia on Thursday so hopefully I'll be back for a bit.
Texas got hammered, so I guess Zeus thought it'd only be fair to send Puerto Rico one of the most monstruous hurricanes that have ever strolled across the Altantic. Should be arriving tomorrow around evening, so, depending on how things go, agen and I could go MIA for a few days, maybe weeks. Probably not, but who knows xd