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    You tagged me but it won't let me go to the message and I can't find it
    oof. I forgot that always happened to you. I'm used to tagging people in roleplay. Ma bad.
    I can't help myself dawg but I make this because I got bored when Captain_Aasim RP was paused. This one is for one of the maps in Blackreach, Yangshii, the holy island temple of Seokawang, and its attackers being the Brutanese Empire. My apologies if I'm being a cringelord XD:

    Yangshii, the holy city where Seokawans come and worship;
    the shining city where the formerly dark ground takes a hit.
    Yangshii is the city where I met her;
    The place where I kiss her under the gritty roof as its lights burns.
    I remember the moment where she used to hold me on the stone walls of the temple;
    The past where her warm hand covers my pale face with something special.
    Her eyes shine like the lamps hanging above the gravelly streets.
    Her lips burn like the sands of Yangshii’s scorching beaches.
    It all ends when the Bruts invade.
    The brutanese mortars and fireworks rocket launchers shoot out balls of flames
    I reached out for that ball, blindly aiming my cold hands at the sea,
    Without even realizing the shining object is already behind me.
    The Bruts take the outer city and the fort, leaving the inner city to defend.
    They are slaughtering us like it was a sport. I wish I can pretend;
    Not having to endure the horrors of this brutal slaughter.
    An image where I can go back to a time where I and Yu Hein cuddle under the soup bar in laughter.
    With the destruction of the temple’s bricks, the Bruts conquered the holy city,
    Enslaving and transporting us into slave ships, taking us to the sea.
    As my fellow ladylove in chains passes by,
    I didn't even get a moment to say goodbye.
    I highly suggest that you pursue it further. I do write poetry often, of many styles, and I can tell you that, from what I see in this poem, you have great potential.
    Haha... I guess you are right. I was pretty iffy about it when other people said the same thing. Now, hearing it from you makes me suspect God is trying to force me to pursue it. XD I will start doing this for now on though. I think it will boost my potential as well as lore for [user]18319547[/user]'s server. thanks dawg.
    It's a basic pattern,but still good. A A B B C C D D E E ... you get it
    I just checked a certain grade on schoology. It's a 99.63% percent because I missed one fucking point on a test. It's so fucking hideous, it makes me want to gas myself with CS Gas and delete my account.
    Time to commit suicide like they do in Japan
    No! Refuse defeat!
    Never surrender!!!! *Nuke u two times* Ok maybe we can stop now...
    "So, prepare yourselves for this roleplay shall be like nothing you've ever experienced before." - Captain_Aasim 2k18

    I had to admit, he is right about that. It's only the beginning of the RP and I'm getting all fucked up, like holy shit bro lmao. I have never been this challenged in an RP before. This is like doing torment 13 on Diablo 3 with a level 1 character. XD
    I'm going to do a presentation in JROTC this Friday, explaining each country's culture, geographics, etc. I chose the Vatican. This is what I will be doing after I show my powerpoint. So, I won't be really active since I have a lot of adaption to do.
    Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer
    Riko son of Pdor son of Kmer
    I didn't remember the Swiss Guard to be constantly on drugs.
    Atomic Bomb
    Atomic Bomb
    What’s a JROTC
    Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. It's a school program that prepares aspiring young adults to enter ROTC, the Reserve Officer Training Corps, in college, which essentially means you enter the military as an officer. If you're lucky, they pay for your college, and you get paid for it otherwise as well.
    Ok. I'll be honest, I still haven't really deal with my stress. I never got so depressed in my life. So, I have a lot of catching up to do, including map update, roleplay in other RPs, etc.
    Out of stress, I gave my 1-year-old cousin my old Nerf N-Strike Vulcan EBF-25 Dart Blaster. Somehow, he learned how to shoot it so he was causing a ruckus by shooting my other family members who also happened to be visiting.
    Regent of Carthage
    Regent of Carthage
    Nerf or nothing.
    Yus, teach kids to shoot guns young in America. You have no idea what you've done Griss, no idea what events you have set in motion.
    I am the changer of worlds >:3
    Blackreach will be open. I wasn't able to turn it on (no dirty joke intended) as much because of the post below and I've been working on some other project.
    oh ya... it's still 1.12.1. Idk how to get it updated. I'll ask craft later on.
    Lol I bet he doesn't know either
    I assume so
    My apologies for my inactiveness, if that's even a word. I was depress for a while. It's all good now, I think (I'm still stress out about it).
    Playing EW helped me through low points sometimes xD But that's probably just me. I'm just strange.
    nibba the only thing ew helped me with is ma english
    I understand why Tob. Whenever I get like around double or quadruple kills in a few seconds, I feel so great that I have a high chance of getting a boner from it.
    Won't be able to go online as much during school days. Fucking SAT dawg
    sat is easy kid i got a 1250 on psat without studying and ive been prepping now finna take it on saturday before my game plus ur asian
    I fucking hate it when news articles have slang. It's weird which makes it confusing af. When I first see the title on this article, I was like, "Don't tell me you mean she literally becomes a Voldemort-looking-ass mace-wielding fat fuck from Lord of the Rings" but luckily, I actually had the time to read closer and saw it being used as an actual internet slang.
    Well of course, since that is the manner of speaking of certain people, it would be seen as silly if a serious reporter tried to emulate it, since it's their job to make sure their content is understandable by the majority of people, regardless of background. But you wouldn't hear anyone say "an online harasser" if they have the word "troll" available, just as you don't say "portable electronic data transferring device" if you can just say "phone".
    I think you are missing my point here. It's not about wordiness and redundancy. It's about speaking in a formal and educated form. The first example you mentioned earlier is a good way to explain it. "Online harrasser" is simple and formal. "Troll," on the other hand, is more simple, but it defeats the formal structure of the article itself. Simplicity is not everything.
    Fair enough. If the rest of the article is written in a really formal tone, then the word troll might still be a bit out of place--give it twenty, thirty years and it'll be completely normal. I agree that simplicity is not everything, but there comes a point when using "correct language" comes across as being snobby and pretentious, as is perfectly satirized by the online joke of "whomst'd've"(though of course that is an extreme example and not an actual word).
    No kidding. The moment I press "F" on my search engine, it gives me "fortnite asian guy" as the first option.
    to me it gives suggestions that dont even start with F such as "christian orphans For sell"
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