Nation Name- Khalaneel
Nation Leader- Atigir Suuk Varad
Race- Proto-Hleel
Culture- A very religious order. They follow the worship of their single deity but also preform rituals for its servants. They split into 4 castes, Warriors, Workers, Priests, and Law. Each of these castes are assigned at birth to each Proto-Hleel based on one of the 12 birthsigns, 3 of each birthsign going into each caste. Each caste has a leader, and these leaders make up a council known as the Caste Council. Above them are a select few that make the ruling government, the Conclave.
None of these castes are above each other but can command the other in certain situations. Also, the priest caste is probably the rarest seen to outsiders due to the fact the the Proto-Hleel can be mistrustful, and the priests lead all of the rituals. Most of the time, the most commonly seen caste will be warriors, followed by law, makers and upholders.
The workers are generally only seen less due to the fact most interactions with this nation are diplomatic, but if one approached their lands you would see the workers hard at work doing their jobs. They also consider themselves the protectors of all wildlife in their area so anything that seems a threat to the life there will be attacked and swiftly annihalated by the warriors.
Each caste has training and members are trained gently from the 8th rotation (around the sun) up until the 18th rotation when they are rigorously trained and are put into the ranks formally. There are many levels of ranks but the highest is the Caste Leader.
Their rituals leave strange remarks from visitors who ever see them and they build grand monoliths and pyramids to honor their god. Anything except the sacrifice of other sentient beings is permitted, and they will occasionally have a 'Mad Hunt' where they take 7 animals and sacrifice them, before slaughtering any demons that appear during the sacrifice and sacrifice them. After that, for a couple of hours, anything not Proto-Hleel or deemed protected during the Mad Hunt will be slayed and sacrificed. This usually is only once every rotation around the sun and travelling there during the Mad Hunt is not advised.
Otherwise, they are usually rather honorable though at times can be blinded by prejudice against non Proto-Hleel. Some of their daily rituals include spending an hour underwater then basking in the sunlight for an hour, meditating.
History- WIP
Description- A strange hybrid between plant and aquatic reptile, they merely need oxygen to breathe. This means they can stay underwater for long periods of time due to their lizard-like eyes having clear eyelids. However, one of their greatest limitations is that they are cold-blooded and consume sunlight for food. This means they will spend long hours basking both to eat and warm up enough to be able to move. They are able to eat fish but it is more of a delicacy than actual nutrients.
((Just wanted to expand on my app))