Cardiloc followed after Aranel, stopping when they were away from everyone. "Aranel, I get you want to keep her safe, so do I. But I don't think theres any safety for her, not now, Beren killed Ha'zi, and he's had my powers for a long time. He can get to us, no matter what time we're in, so we need to find a way to stop him. What I suggest we do is head to Minas Tirith, explain the situation to the other Karoltai, then look for the rest of these..." Cardiloc produced his Silmaril, though not without trouble from the Dunlending, it was precious to him.
"Ha'zi explained to me, these Silmarils, they can kill powerful things, maybe even a Valar, and maybe even Beren, it might just kill that void monster too. Ha'zi found the other two in his own timeline, so we just have to find the two other Silmaril in my time, then we create a weapon or something, and we can kill Beren, and that monster too. We can still save, this world. We can bring Laurel with us, between the pair of us, we can protect her, Endo should come with us as well since he can sense things; he could help us if Beren attacks. Berethor can come with us as well if we wants. Do you, know, where the other two Silmarils can be found?" He asked Aranel hesitantly.