Cardiloc grumbled, what a stubborn bunch of jack-asses. He turned towards Laurel, surprise on his face. “Look, we can rest in Minas Tirith for a month, but after that I need your help. And you haven’t been fighting, you’ve been hiding; running from doing what’s right. Ha’zi, he ran too, but he stopped. He stood alone against Beren, and he died for it. He sacrificed himself to save us, but we need to complete his mission for him. He was looking for the Silmarils, I’ve got one.” He produced the sea-Silmaril, and held it aloft. “Aranel has one too, and Ha’zi had one; but it’s gone now. We can’t go back and get it from him in his time, so we get it from mine. If you help me find the Silmaril, and we can make a weapon out of it. You can all rest, all of you. That, I promise. But please, just help me find it.” He explained to the others.
“I know you want nothing more than to run, and hide from what’s coming. It’s what I want to do most, believe me. But please, just help me do this one last thing, please. Help me stop what happened to your world, and you can rest in peace and safety. There won’t be either of you don’t.” He implored them.