Shin's crossbow went off just as Mirecyla threw a barrage of rocks at Kurio and Arthor. Arthor threw his fire-spear and it blew the rocks apart as they came soaring at them. A few pieces cutting him as he shielded his senior officer, pushing him into an alleyway. A large rock pinned Arthor's leg and he fell to the ground.
"Arthor, young chap!" Kurio harkened. "I suppose, I'll have to make up for that." The older man mumbled as he stood up and reached for the last fire-spear. "This bitch'll pay."
Mirecyla heard a whizzing as she unleashed her full fear across her surroundings. An arrow clipped the side of her neck and another two hit her shoulders. She saw an archer and a pikeman far up the street outside of her scope of terror. Meanwhile, other men lay frozen or crying in the streets.
Suddenly, Furdin found himself actually fighting the troll. It picked him up once again and began to crush him, he felt the pressure around his sides.
Keratos, on the other hand, was on his knees grasping at the air. "Forgive me, Euphemia. I couldn't protect you from them..." He whimpered.
Mateus saw Shin's arrow hit the girl's neck. He was going to kill her at this rate.
Meanwhile, in the alleyway of the collapsed house, Tamara saw something through the rising dust. A hand reached out to her. "Ple-please," She heard the one calling himself Evenis. As the dust slowly cleared she saw his body buried beneath the rubble. His entire lower half, as well as his right shoulder, were trapped. Blood seeped through the debris. "Please, I need you to do something fo-for me..." He reached his left hand out to Tamara.
Ostopher and Rambo charged down the street leaving behind Sigeric, Ha'zi, Galador, Ramdir and Daugo. The five stooges.
Rambo saw a majority of their ranger units converging on the elf. He was dodging arrows left and right, leaping over buildings and causing general panic. He even managed to knock one of the rangers that got close enough down and steal his horse. The elf then proceeded to race towards the third level gate where a vast garrison stood ready to stop him, the gate sealing and people rushing in panic away from the streets. How on earth was he able to cause them this much trouble whilst injured from the previous day? And to top of their humiliation was the fact he was no armed.
If the Karoltai and co, wanted to catch up to Glorfindel they'd need to hurry.
"Yes. And now I'll kill you." Cardiloc heard Beren say. The man's arm transmuted into a shade that resembled an elongated blade.
"Waaaaaaggghhhh!!!" Ela screamed backing up into a corner.
Berethor's entire body shook but he managed to take a step forward through the aura of fear.
Thunder in the skies above Dimitri.
"Who is Eru's chosen king?!" Manwe bellowed at Dimitri, the winds whipping at their clothes.
"Oh, but Iver," Aranel twirled her neck to the side, "I can't be here for long. I'm too weak."
After more walking, Thoruk found the throne room to the King and passed the guards. Fortunately, the King was sat upon his golden chair and was hearing the pleas of common dwarves.
"Huagh-" Marco gasped as his head was violently yanked out of the bucket of water.
"Wen're ya gooona yous dat poowah of 'urs?" Raddis allowed Marco to take a breath then slammed his head back into the bucket. The usual struggle came along with many muffled, drowned out screams whilst he stared at the shorter man.
"When it becomes necessarily."
"An' wen'll dat be?" Marco's body surged more and more.
Lasser shrugged. "You gonna pull him out?" He asked. Raddis did so.
"Haaahh-uhhgghhh-" Marco drooled. His right eye wasn't even fuctional and his head titled sideways into Raddis' grasp.
"Look at me." Lasser commanded him. Marco remained static. Raddis jerked his head towards Lasser. The shorter man bowed to head height with Marco and their eye aligned. Lasser's right pupil darkened.
"What did they do to Mirecyla and Endo?"
Marco's mouth moved, almolst of its own accord as water sloshed around in it. "I doown't nooow. Who's marcyellus and ender?"
"Bah, moore watah shald jog 'is memoory!" Raddis shoved his head back into the bucket. Marco barely struggled.
"At this rate, he's going to drown. This isn't working. Not even my power can extract the information needed. It appears he wasn't lying to us the first time when you snipped off his fingers and toes. Pity. Watching you feed them to him was gruesome but I thought he deserved it for withholding information. Sad, really that he was just as in the blind as us. He doesn't even seem to recall Joplin or stealing his powers. Now, please cease the wanton torture. You can do that later. I think we've done enough for today." Lasser said in his monotone voice. Raddis kept Marco's head beneath the surface of the water.
"Joost havin' me fooon. Kiddin' a'reeeght!" Raddis cackled and pulled Marco's head out of the water. He let go of it and it fell forward, lifelessly. Lasser paused. He placed a finger on Marco's neck and waited. He breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't push it next time. You're lucky he ain't dead."
"I knooow whaaat I'm doion." Raddis huffed.
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