So I was just having a good convorsation with my sister, when we started to talk about History, she claims she knows more than me and mock me by talking about her books, then when I ask her what the biggest empire is she starts to think for 20 seconds and say the Roman Empire. So I tell her no, it was the Mongol Empire and she was like, they dont have much history, we never learn about them in history and I tell her they have a lot of history, the reason you dont get to learn about them is because they were a mass murdering empire lol.
Then I asked her about the plague and she barely knew shit, how it happend and got to Europe. I ask her if she believes in evolution and she was like evolution? don't you mean revolution. No, I replied, evolution. She didnt know what that was so I explained it to her and she was like no wtf, that's dumb as fuk, we're Muslim why would I believe that. So I just laughed it off and walked away.
She didnt even know who Alexander the Great was, and as a final I asked her if she believes in extraterrestial life in space and she was like wtf no when we die, we go to heaven. So I told her there are atleast hundred thousands of Earth-like planets in our Milky Way alone. She was like there is barely any info about that, if it was it would be all over the media and I told her it was, she just didnt do any research.
She then says well I know that there is water on one of the planets, was it mars or venus? So I tell her wtf no, that's on one of Jupiters moons and she was like Jupiters moon? I tell her yea, like the earth has a moon, Jupiter has several moons. She then just walks away.
"I know more than u btw" derp.