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  • So I was just having a good convorsation with my sister, when we started to talk about History, she claims she knows more than me and mock me by talking about her books, then when I ask her what the biggest empire is she starts to think for 20 seconds and say the Roman Empire. So I tell her no, it was the Mongol Empire and she was like, they dont have much history, we never learn about them in history and I tell her they have a lot of history, the reason you dont get to learn about them is because they were a mass murdering empire lol.

    Then I asked her about the plague and she barely knew shit, how it happend and got to Europe. I ask her if she believes in evolution and she was like evolution? don't you mean revolution. No, I replied, evolution. She didnt know what that was so I explained it to her and she was like no wtf, that's dumb as fuk, we're Muslim why would I believe that. So I just laughed it off and walked away.

    She didnt even know who Alexander the Great was, and as a final I asked her if she believes in extraterrestial life in space and she was like wtf no when we die, we go to heaven. So I told her there are atleast hundred thousands of Earth-like planets in our Milky Way alone. She was like there is barely any info about that, if it was it would be all over the media and I told her it was, she just didnt do any research.

    She then says well I know that there is water on one of the planets, was it mars or venus? So I tell her wtf no, that's on one of Jupiters moons and she was like Jupiters moon? I tell her yea, like the earth has a moon, Jupiter has several moons. She then just walks away.

    "I know more than u btw" derp.
    May i educate your sister one the history of our fantabulous planet? Otherwise, as a history "nerd", i may suffer from knowing that history is being ignored by a person...
    Kinda hard to talk with a person who is so convinced by her own words and thoughts
    Trust me, I'm religious too. But enlightened
    Just had this idea for a fun gamemode, A few of you remember this but one of my best experience on NaW was when we were at the River bridge near Rome where I built a base. More people joined to help setup the base as the Dacians slowly approached with their 100 man army. And when they arrived at the River, the bridge was gone and walls were setup to hold them.

    An archer skirmish broke out between the two as the Dacians set up their small fortifications and they were building TNT cannons, Meanwhile I was underground at the Dacian side waiting for more Dacians to show up with a small tunnel system filled with 500 TNT and blew up half their army.

    A gamemode like that would be awesome, a 100 man army approaching from town to town as they loot for better gear and the defenders have to build the best fort.
    I would prefer Discord, but that works fine. [user]9121890[/user]
    zoom are your parents sunnim, shiim, alluaim or one of the many other small groups?
    sounds fun, i dont think u can geather up enough players for that
    If u feel like joining a server, im playing on a new release towny server created by some popular twitch streamers, pm me for ip ;P
    Server is open for now, will be adding a starter kit and shop later.

    Theme: Blackflames on McNation maps. Medieval style.
    IP: conquest.omgcraft.eu
    Version: 1.12.2
    Survival and shit then? Redstone allowed?
    “Wars arent won by soldiers, it’s won by religion, so pray and don’t stand there and do nothing because god will ask why you stood idle” -My mom
    If God would wish to save his creation from its own problems, there wouldn't even be a need to wish, this would straight out happen if he wants it to be so. And I like the ideology of being worthy more than the others, not everyone can blatantly enter Heaven. One would have to work for it, preach religion. Even if one never truly was a muslim, but generally a good person, caring and forgiving for others. He would be welcomed. It also is mentioned, rather ironically that the Fires of Hell will be lit by 'Imams' themselves, they will be the ones who will taste eternal damnation first. I think you know what an Imam is. But all these so called 'Imams' are foul on the inside. You can preach all you want to, but if your heart is foul and corrupted by pride and jealousy, you would have to cleanse it or one shall taste the fires of Hell. If Atheism wouldnt be the most Logical, i'd probably either be a Jew or Muslim for these are the most 'clean'. But hell no Christian, that's like the most frightening thing to be if religions indeed were true.
    Interesting argument, wouldn't put Islam that high though. I don't know much about Judaism as I have not studied it so just know the basic knowledge. Anyway, Islam is more sexist of women than Christianity. Jesus removed a lot of sexist ideas as well, but in the Qur'an the texts are still there with no reform changing ideas. Another thing I like about Christianity rather than Islam is that the Qur'an is the direct word of God while you interpret the Bible. This means that the crazy texts of these two holy books have different meanings. One is real, one you can interpret. Also, Islam has the most retarded belief of predestination. Especially Sunni Muslims which believes God DECIDES our actions. That said, no fan of Christianity xD.
    "It is also mentioned..." where, to who, by what? Christianity isn't a religion of merits, which is why it sets it apart from every other religion in the world. To believe in a god is logical. To deny the existence of one is exactly that, denial.
    Minecraft feels so dead, I may be doing daily PVP events just because I feel bad lol
    I'm gonna take advice from someone considering dropping out of high school. Heard of West Point, my good sir?
    It's not that Minecraft is dead it's just that the older players are getting bored after playing it for a long time.
    No its also less popular. When I check twitch, the mc streams dont have more than 3k viewers. Back then it had more than 100k
    Too much white? xd
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